Жамбыл облысы, Жуалы ауданы, Қайрат ауылы,
№2 Мыңбұлақ орта мектебі,
ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі
Бекешова Мөлдір Мекемтасқызы10 сынып
"Kazakhstan is my Motherland"
Theme: Kazakhstan is my Motherland
10 form
The aim of the lesson:
1. Speaking about Kazakhstan, to get the main information about Kazakhstan.
2. To develop listening, reading, writing, speaking, thinking, attention skills.
3. To educate pupils to save, to protect our Motherland, to educate to love for one’s country.
Type of the lesson: Lesson travelling
Visual aids: The map of Kazakhstan, books, cards, symbols of Kazakhstan, interactive-board, slide show
The method of the lesson:
Questionnaires, text, exercises, phonetic drill, group work
The plan of the lesson: