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Review of K.- J. Tokayev's speech at the fourth meeting of the National Kurultai

Review of K.- J. Tokayev's speech at the fourth meeting of the National Kurultai

The socially active society of Kazakhstan is very interested in every speech by the President of the country K.- J. K. Tokayev. On the first day of the celebration of the national holiday of Nauryz, we witnessed another program speech by the Head of State at the already traditional National Kurultai.
Summing up the results of the three - year period that has passed since the Address, which announced large - scale reforms aimed at radically renewing the country, the head of the country elaborated on the urgent tasks facing the state today. First of all, the President elaborated on the need for tax reform. And here the leitmotif highlights the expediency of explaining to "citizens the essence of decisions that are extremely necessary for the development of the country. Not all people are well versed in economics or finance, and perhaps not everyone equally understands why the government is taking certain measures. Therefore, it is necessary to convey to everyone the meaning of the ongoing reforms in an accessible language."
Especially close to us working in the field of education is the opinion "about the increasing influence of non - traditional religious movements among young people, especially in the field of sports" and the need to urgently address this problem. "It is necessary to comprehensively study this issue and adapt legislation to the new conditions."
The range of issues that the Head of State focused on in detail is very wide. About stopping discussions on the issue of the time zone, about the situation in the cinema, about the state of conditions in women's colonies, about the problems of training specialists by colleges, about demographic problems... All this has become the subject of discussion of the National Kurultai and, in the opinion of K.- J. Tokayev, requires immediate consideration and action by the relevant institutions.
Once again, the President has set high demands on the work of the state apparatus in each individual area. The relevant authorities should develop programs that are about to expire. These are the following areas: combating drug addiction and drug trafficking; protecting children from violence and preventing teenage suicides; domestic violence. Separately, the head of the country spoke about his vision of solving the problem of raising a progressive generation. The focus should be not only on the educational system. "Knowledge given without education is the worst enemy of humanity." Therefore, along with education, it is very important to pay special attention to upbringing."
In his speech at the National Kurultai, K.- J. Tokayev touched upon all spheres of the development of society and the country, thereby defining guidelines for the further work of all institutions of the country, starting from government agencies and ending with the private sector of the economy.
The faculty of the Al - Farabi Kazakh National University takes every appeal of the President to the people with interest and fully supports the country's course towards progressive progress.

A. K. Akhmedova, M. P. Yeshimov
Senior Lecturer at the Department of Language and
General Education Training of Foreigners,
Faculty of Pre - University Education
Al - Farabi Kazakh National University
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