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Exhibition ‘Happy Family against Domestic Violence’ at the Faculty of Pre - University Education of Al - Farabi KazNU

Exhibition ‘Happy Family against Domestic Violence’ at the Faculty of Pre - University Education of Al - Farabi KazNU

23 October 2024 at the Faculty of Pre - University Education of Al - Farabi KazNU opened an inspiring exhibition of drawings, posters and art works of students of the Department of Language and General Education Training of Foreigners on the theme: ‘Happy family against domestic violence! We say NO to domestic violence’.
This event was a part of the Sustainable Development Goals initiative and the curators of the groups together with their students actively participated in its organisation. They reflected their unacceptable attitude towards domestic violence with interest and great responsibility.
In their works, the students expressed how negatively any manifestation of domestic violence is perceived and how it has a devastating effect not only on the psyche of adults, but also, first of all, on children. Their drawings became a powerful testimony of how domestic violence can break a child's soul.
The second part of the exhibition presented an ideal image of a happy family. Here, the FDO trainees depicted harmonious relationships where parents take care of their children, spend time together and love each other. Each happy family is a brick in the foundation of a healthy society. If there is no violence in the family, there will be no room for violence in society. The more happy families there are, the more harmonious and happy our society is.
We hope that this exhibition will inspire students and society as a whole to take active action against domestic violence and for the creation of a healthy family environment. It is important to remember: our children and grandchildren are our future, and it is up to us to decide what kind of world they will live in.

Candidate of Philological Sciences, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Language and General Education Training of Foreigners Yeshimov M. P.
Candidate of Philological Sciences, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Language and General Education Training of Foreigners Koishybayeva G. S.
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