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Review of K.- Zh. Tokayev's speech at the third meeting of the National Kurultai

Review of K.- Zh. Tokayev's speech at the third meeting of the National Kurultai

On March 15, 2024, the head of state spoke at the third meeting of the National Kurultai, which was held in the city of Atyrau. What is the National Kurultai? According to official documents, "The National Kurultai under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan is an advisory body under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The main purpose of the National Kurultai is to develop ideas and steps for the further development of social consolidation." "The National Kurultai is composed of well - known government and public figures, representatives of political parties, the non - governmental sector, business associations, the expert community and public councils of regions, cities of republican significance, and the capital. Periodically, the composition of the National Kurultai will be updated by rotating its members." (REGULATIONS on the National Kurultai under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan).
The speeches of the head of state are traditionally programmatic in nature. Speaking at the Kurultai, Tokayev put the ideological issue at the head of the discussion. The leitmotif of the president's speech was the idea of the need to strengthen the unity of the Kazakh people. The disunity, politicization of pedigrees, and fraternity negatively affects the life of society. It is necessary to promote national interests and put them above any other. It is those who extol "key concepts embodying the ideals of our statehood, such as Independence, Republic, Unity," who deserve to be in the focus of public attention. At the same time, the president assigned the main role in achieving this goal to the intelligentsia. The President warned against contrasting various historical figures, past and modern periods of history. "Our history should become a factor in the consolidation of the nation." The older generation should demonstrate the guidelines of talented, active youth. "Our task is to instill in them the most noble and progressive qualities."
The President traditionally focused on the need to further develop the role of the Kazakh language. "The essence of state policy is to consistently strengthen the role of the Kazakh language in everyday life without forcing anyone." To achieve this goal, it is necessary to use modern information technology techniques wisely. However, the head of state emphasized that only a reading nation is capable of building a healthy society.
Having become a member of the UNESCO World Heritage Committee last year, Kazakhstan received a unique opportunity to include its natural and historical monuments in the World Heritage List. K.- Zh. Tokayev listed in detail the objects that Kazakhstan can reasonably be proud of and prevent their loss. Unfortunately, such a threat exists. "In order to preserve our rich historical and cultural heritage, it is necessary to restore order in archaeological activities."
The head of Kazakhstan categorically spoke about religious fanaticism, which is alien to our people. It is unacceptable to follow the lead of radical neophytes and instill in society, and especially children, foreign religious ideals. "We must rely on thousands of years of religious knowledge and spiritual guidance from our ancestors."
The President's attention was also focused on the traditional values of the family, which should be free from any conjuncture or world trends. Facts such as discrimination against women in families, the rite of "bride kidnapping", polygamy should receive a legal assessment and be categorically condemned by society. The education of young people and children should be conducted in the spirit of progressive values and be under constant supervision.
In conclusion, Kassym - Jomart Tokayev named the key ideologies and basic guidelines: "Independence and Patriotism, Unity and Solidarity, Justice and Responsibility, Law and Order, Diligence and Professionalism, Creativity and Innovation."
The ideas proclaimed by the head of state at the third meeting of the National Kurultai are relevant and require immediate implementation. The teachers of the country's leading university support the initiatives proposed by K.- J. Tokayev.

A. K. Akhmedova
senior lecturer of the Department of Language
and General Education Training of Foreigners
Al - Farabi KazNU
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