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Review of K.- Zh. Tokayev's interview with the newspaper "Egemen Qazaqstan"

Review of K.- Zh. Tokayev's interview with the newspaper "Egemen Qazaqstan"

At the very beginning of 2024, President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kassym - Jomart Tokayev gave a detailed interview to the newspaper "Egemen Qazaqstan". The speech of the Head of State was a summing up of the past period since 2019, as well as a vision of the near - term prospects for the development of the country. The issues on which K. Tokayev dwelt concern every citizen of the country and affect almost all aspects of the life of the state.
The changes in the legislative, social and economic spheres initiated last year will be systematically continued in the New Year. The President called 2024 a particularly important year, "because it lays the foundation for the next five - year cycle of the country's development." "During the first quarter, the main agenda of the country in the economy, socio - political and humanitarian spheres will be formed."
Kazakhstan plans to carry out active foreign policy activities in the coming year, becoming a platform for holding international forums at regional and global levels. The Head of State stressed that "many foreign politicians and experts, including from Western countries, express support for our democratic reforms, noting their advanced nature."
Speaking about the upcoming humanitarian events in the country, the President noted that the country will honor outstanding personalities whose anniversaries are expected in 2024. The expected event of the year is the completion of work on a multi - volume edition of the history of Kazakhstan.
These days it is 2 years since the tragic events that shook our country. The head of the country analyzed the chronology of tragic facts that still raise questions from ordinary people, spoke about his role in those troubled days. The President urged not to build speculative versions on the causes and consequences of the January events: "arguments about the alleged popular uprising contribute to the justification and whitewashing of criminal acts." At the same time, the Head of State noted that peaceful protests are acceptable, and riots will be severely suppressed. To prevent such situations in the future, it is necessary to build a "stable and effective system of state institutions operating in accordance with the Basic Law." According to the President, a kind of barrier is 1. the restoration of the Constitutional Court; 2. the provision of the Constitution on a single seven - year term for the President; 3. the expansion of the powers of the Mazhilis (the lower house of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan).
K.- Zh. Tokayev elaborated on the short - term economic strategy of the country's development. To solve the tasks, it is necessary: 1. implementation of large industrial projects; attraction of investments for their implementation; 2. further implementation of systemic reforms (changes in Tax and Budget Codes).
The special attention of the Head of State was focused on the problem of the functioning of the fuel and energy complex, on tasks requiring urgent solutions. Focusing on the problem of building a nuclear power plant in the country, Tokayev highlighted, "citizens should consider and discuss all the arguments of experts for and against in order to make a balanced, thoughtful decision during the free expression of their will. It will be the decision of the people."
Especially important and interesting for me, as a representative of the intelligentsia, were the arguments of the Head of State about the spiritual priorities needed at this crucial time. The President called for unity, focusing on what unites, putting national values at the forefront. "Unity, solidarity, hard work, the cult of knowledge, professionalism, mutual support, entrepreneurship, initiative, honesty, modesty, thrift – this is a set of values and qualities of real citizens and patriots. They will make our nation stronger and allow us to achieve success."

A. K. Akhmedova
senior lecturer of the Department of Language
and General Education Training of Foreigners
Al - Farabi KazNU
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Ілмек сөздер: K.- Zh. Tokayev's interview
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