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Solving the problem of climate change is a global challenge

Solving the problem of climate change is a global challenge

The United Nations Climate Change Conference 2023 was held in Dubai, the capital of the United Arab Emirates, from November 30 to December 12, 2023. The main issues discussed at the conference were the issues of increasing aid to poor countries, ways of adapting states to life in a hot climate, and further reducing carbon dioxide emissions from energy systems.
Among the main decisions of the conference, which is called COP 28 (Conference of the Parties, held since 1995), are the following. A declaration on sustainable agriculture, food production systems and climate action was signed. The parties participating in the summit planned to form a fund of $100 billion, from which developing countries will be provided compensation for damage related to climate change.
The World Climate Summit was held within the framework of the conference on December 1 and 2, at which representatives of the parties made reports and statements on their actions in the fight against climate change. President of Kazakhstan Kassym - Zhomart Tokayev delivered a speech at the summit. Kazakhstan is an active participant in international programs under the auspices of the United Nations related to solving environmental problems.
In particular, the President of Kazakhstan focused on the following problems. In the modern world, the island states of countries with no access to the world ocean are most at risk from the effects of climate change. K.- Zh. Tokayev pointed to geopolitical instability and lack of energy security.
From a high rostrum, the head of our country expressed support for the decisions taken at such conferences and official meetings of various levels. In particular, Kazakhstan has ratified the Paris Agreement and adopted a Carbon Neutrality Strategy until 2060. The country's scientists are working on a new Environmental Code that "will contribute to the comprehensive adaptation of green technologies in almost every sector of the national economy."
Kazakhstan intends to develop wind and solar energy, and together with its partners, the country's scientists are working towards unlocking the potential of "green hydrogen" production. This is hydrogen, which is produced using renewable environmental energy from the sun, wind or water.
Uranium mined in Kazakhstan and exported to many countries of the world plays a key role in the production of "clean" electricity. As a country rich in rare earth metals, Kazakhstan has offered to become the main supplier of these minerals. Programs to eliminate plastic waste, to support countries with developing economies, and to reduce methane emissions are comprehensively supported by our country.
A particular problem in Central Asia in general, and Kazakhstan in particular, is the condition of the Aral Sea, "once the fourth largest inland body of water in the world." "Kazakhstan will assume the chairmanship of the Fund next year and hopes to involve all partners in solving this issue."
The President of Kazakhstan invited all those interested in solving the environmental crisis to the upcoming international forums in Astana in 2024 and 2026 and expressed hope that only collective actions and cooperation will help the world community resolve the climate crisis.

A. K. Akhmedova
senior lecturer of the Department of Language
and General Education Training of Foreigners
Al - Farabi KazNU
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