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Happy Republic Day, our Kazakhstan!

Happy Republic Day, our Kazakhstan!

October 25 marks the 23rd anniversary of Kazakhstan declaring it an independent state by adopting the Declaration of State Sovereignty in 1990. This date is the most significant in the recent history of the country. It is the starting point on the way to building a sovereign state. Republic Day is the only National holiday of Kazakhstan. Thanks to the Declaration of State Sovereignty, Kazakhstan was able to suspend the Soviet laws and start creating its own. Kazakhstan was one of the last to secede from a huge country, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics...
The country has traveled a short way by historical standards. But we now live in a completely different country. The desire of the state to develop a multinational culture, traditions of all peoples historically living on the territory of Kazakhstan, the desire to live in harmony with their neighbors, with all countries of the world remains unchanged. It is no accident that the following were established as the fundamental principles of sovereign statehood: a unitary state, the integrity, indivisibility and inviolability of its territory, the revival and development of the original culture, traditions, language of the Kazakh ethnic group and other ethnic groups of Kazakhstan, the strengthening of national identity.
Foreign students studying at the Department of Language and General Education Training of Foreigners of Al - Farabi Kazakh National University are keenly interested in the history of our country. Teachers, curators - advisors provide them with this opportunity by regularly holding educational events on the topic of current events in the country.
At the last regular event dedicated to the celebration of the Republic Day, students from China, Korea, Japan, the Philippines, America, and Turkey told about the upcoming date. They spoke with great respect about the formation of the statehood of the Republic of Kazakhstan and shared their knowledge about it.
The teachers of the Department of Language and General Education training of foreigners consider their goal not only to teach Russian and Kazakh as foreign languages, but also to create a positive image of the country, cultivate respect for the history of the country among foreign citizens.
The information received at such events opens Kazakhstan to listeners from different countries from a completely new side. They begin to understand the Kazakh people, Kazakh and Russian languages more deeply. It is, ultimately, is an important contribution to the success of the educational process.
At the end of the event, the foreign listeners sincerely wished prosperity and well - being to all residents of our country.

A. K. Akhmedova
senior lecturer of the Department of Language
and General Education Training of Foreigners
Al - Farabi KazNU
Кері қайту
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