Внеклассное мероприятие«Christmas Celebration».
Цели: Познакомить учащихся с национальным праздником «Рождество», его традициями и особенностями, показать театрализованное представление « The Snow Queen».
Учебные: Практиковать учащихся в устной речи и аудировании.
Воспитательные: Воспитывать у учащихся чувство уважения к национальным традициям и праздникам.
Развивающие: Формировать положительную мотивацию учения, развивать внимание, воображение, догадку.
Oснащение: слайд - презентация, стихи, рождественские открытки и
сувениры, приготовленные учащимися.
Music «Jingle Bells».
Слайд 1,
- T: Dear children and guests! On the 25th of December people celebrate
Christmas, one of the most beautiful holidays. Now we are going to speak
about Christmas.
Christmas is a holiday, which is loved by children and grown ups. It is a
Holiday when everything is decorated with lights and toys, when we see
Christmas trees everywhere, when people buy presents and cook special
Food, send cards and have parties. And we are going to celebrate this holiday now. Today youʼll listen to a lot of interesting about Christmas.
Weʼll sing songs and recite the poems, guess riddles and play “The Snow
Youʼll get a card for each answer. The more cards you have the better mark you get. The winner get the prize.
1) Letʼs begin our Christmas holiday.
- P1 Do you know Christmas world? Слайд1,
Look at these words. Look at these pictures. Match the words with their
Read them. We need 2 students.
Santa Claus Christmas card
Christmas tree Christmas stocking
Reindeer Bell
Candle Candy
Sleigh Elf
Carroll Turkey
(Music: Christmas tree) Слайд4.
- P2 On Christmas people bring a tree and decorate it with lights and ornaments. The most popular of all Christmas evergreens is the fir - tree.
People in England used to grow many kinds of trees in pots for indoor
Decoration at Christmas.
(Music - Christmas tree)
- P1 Christmas tree came to us from Germany. The idea of bringing
The fir - tree indoors at Christmas is said to have come from Martin
Luther, a German religious reformer, who lived in the 16th century.
The trees were decorated with paper, lights, sweets.
About in 1835 the first Christmas tree was decorated. A few years later in England Queen Victoria decorated a tree at Windsor Castle.
- P2 Now look at the groups of the words, which word doesnʼt go with the others. Find them, please. We need4 pupils. Слайд5,
1. turkey 2. sleigh 3. Christmas pudding
Goose snow turkey
Eggs Santa Claus cracker
Pudding butterfly pumpkin
Nuts winter sleigh
oranges Christmas tree reindeer
4. stocking
- P1 Christmas begins with Christmas cards. Слайд6.
The families prepare Christmas Cards to their relatives and friends.
The first Christmas card appeard in 1843. Sir Henry Cole invented it.
One side of the card was a short greeting, and another a nice picture.
Soon these cards became very popular.
Teacher: Children have you got such cards? Congratulate each other.
(Учащиеся поздравляют друг друга с рождеством)
- P2. The main person of Christmas is Santa Claus. Слайд 7
Нe lives in the North Pole. On the 25th of December he hitches his reindeer to a sleigh and brings the presents for children in the Christmas
SongʺJingle Bellsʺ
Слайд 8.
- P2. Music is very important in Christmas Celebration. Слайд9.
Hundreds of Christmas songs come from all over the world.
In the Middle ages Christmas Carols become popular.
The word Carol means a round dance. Often the carols dance in the street round the tree in the park.
- P1. On the 26th of December at 12 a. m English families have
Christmas Dinner. Слайд 10.
Christmas table consist of a turkey or goose, ham, mashed potatoes
And a pudding and an apple pie(in the USA). Of course, thereʼs a lot of sweet and desserts.
T - Who knows more about Christmas? The winner will get a prize.
Children, are you ready to celebrate Christmas? Letʼs have a small
1Who knows Christmas words better? Name the words beginning
With Christmas. Слайд 2.
Fill the missing letters. Слайд 3.
Look at the words. Unscramble them. Слайд 4.
Look at the words, find and circle hidden words. Слайд 5.
Find the words. Слайд 6.
Teacher - Now, Youʼll see the playʺThe Snow Queenʺ.
The Snow Queen.
Story teller.- Once upon a time in a large town there lived two poor children. They were not relatives, but loved each other, like a brother and a sister.
Herda:- Oh, Cay! Catch me! Catch me!
Cay: I am fast. Iʼ catch you in no time.
They are running up to the roses.
Herda:- Our roses are really wonderful, but I am afraid if Snow Queen knows about themshe will make them die.
Cay:- Let her dare! I will put her on the hot stove.
Herda:- No, no my dear. Calm down. Take a book and look at the pictures.
(children are looking at the pictures, joking laughing)
(Five strikes are hearing) The Snow Queen is running into a room and go round)
Granny:- My god! It is the Snow Queen. How beautiful she is.
Her dress is shining with a bluish light. Long silvery beams lay across it, making it sparkle like fine diamond dust.
(Snow Queen touches Cay with her ice stick)
Cay:- Oh, something hurts my heart and my eye.
Herda:- I can help you, but I see nothing.
Story teller:- Poor Cay. It ys the Snow Queen. Now his heart became icy.
(S - r runs up to Cay, take out a bluish glittering ‘heart’ out of from Cayʼs
Suit pocket and shows it to all spectators, then puts it back).
Herda:- Poor Cay!
Cay:- Why! Stop it. Why are you so ugly? You are bad. And all of you
Are bad and ugly.
And all these people! I canʼt look at them. Hey! You have a bad dress.
And your shoes are old and dirty.
(addressing to different spectators) Look! Your roses are black and
Ha - ha!
Granny;- Poor thing! Calm down!
Christmas Celebration
- Асель ШЕ
- 18 сәуір 2013
- 5757
- 0
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Ілмек сөздер: тәрбие сағаты, Christmas Celebration, ағылшын тілі
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