Great Britain
- 16 мам
- 8980
- Ағылшын тілі
Орал қаласы №1 жалпы орта білім
беретін ағылшын тілі пәні мүғалімі
Кенжегалиева Тамара Хамзина
The lesson of English in the 8th form.
Theme: Great Britain
Aims: 1 To review the Lexics and to present the new ones.
2 To review the Grammar: The Perfect Passive.
3 To read the text “Great Britain” and to discuss it.
4 To teach the students to help their classmates.
5 To bring up students in respect of other people’s customs and traditions.
6 To help students to find differences and similarities of the two countries
Aids: cards, interactive board, map of Great Britain