Сайтқа кіру Тіркелу

Theme “ The Museum of Abay in Zhidebay”

Lesson 2 Theme “ The Museum of Abay in Zhidebay”

Aims and objectives:
1. To enrich student's knowledge about our Great poet Abay.
2.To develop their abilities in reading, listening and understanding.
3.To bring up students to be patriots of their country, to love their own national literature and writers.

II Pre-reading Answer the questions
1) Who are Abai, Shakarim and M.Auesov?
2) Have you ever been in Karaul?
3) Did you see the anniversary of Abai’s 150 birthdays?
III. Read the text 5. and answer the questions

Mausoleum of Abai and Shakarim.
In 1990 the Kazakhstan Government and UNESCO issued resolution .In accordance with the resolution there was a decision to install a monument on the grave of the great Abai. There was a competition to find out the best project of the monument. The winner was a Kazakh architect Beck Ibraev.
Two cupolas for Abai and Shakarim graves were built and installed on a five-meter-high pedestal. The height of Abai’s cupola is 33 meters high, the edges are cut. The height of Shakarim’s Cupolas is 31 meters; its volume is smaller to comparison Abai’s.

There is a Calligraphy Museum on the middle of the basement of the cupolas; the higher level is an amphitheatre. The Mausoleum built of shell facing that can be extracted in Mangistay. The main work were carried by a charitable company “Darya”, the manager is Sain Nazarbekuly Toktamys, A builder who published a book of his poems. A famous architect Jolan Kosjanov worked on this monument too. He has built many monuments for outstanding people of Kazakhstan. Due to his exceptional skills he built wonderful cupolas as good as he solves numerous problems arising at the process of building.

This is the land of great Abai nowadays. But some years ago there was a nuclear testing ground at the birth place of Abai, which had been in operation for over forty years. The attention of the public was riveted on the popular movement “Nevada- Semipalatinsk” headed by O. Suleimenov. The testing was stopped , but Shingistay will remember such terrible testing forever. Shingistay is the land consecrated by time and steppe winds, which raised such great Kazakh writers and poets as Abai, Shakarim, and Mukhtar…
1) How many meters are Abai’s and Shakarim’s mausoleum high?
2) Who was the architect of this project?
3) There is a Calligraphy Museum on the middle of the basement of the cupolas, isn’t there?
4) Don’t you think that every son of the Kazakh land must visit the birth place of our great men Abai Shakarim and M. Auezov?

III Speaking. Discuss the extracts from the Abay’s “Edification words. “
“The world is a boundless.
Time is unabating wind.
Generations of people are like waves,
They swiftly follow one another
Making life eternal.”

“Дүние –үлкен көл,
Заман-соқкан жел,
Алдыңдағы толқын –ағалар,
Артқы толқын-інілер
Кезекпенен өлінер ,Баяғыдай көрінер .”Абай “ Қара сөздер.”
“Мир-безбрежный океан. Время - неутихающийветер.
Поколения подобны волнам, спешащим друг за другом и на них держится вечная жизнь.” Абай « Слова назидания»
How to understand these words. Express your opinion.
IV. Listen to the song. Read and learn it.
Eye of my eye I beg the wisest of the wise
Give ear to this I say will hasten to agree
for love Thee, dear heart }twice that not another man }
I slowly waste away} can be compared to thee }twice
“ Abai”
V Talk to your partner:
1) Do you know another Abai`s songs in Kazakh?
2) Do you know Abai`s poems about seasons (Autumn, Summer, Spring, Winter)
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Қонақтар,тобындағы қолданушылар пікірін білдіре алмайды.
Абайдың қара сөздері, Ашық сабақ, Бастауыш, Информатика, Мақала, Мұқағали Мақатаевтың өлеңдері, Ресей, Русский язык, Сабақ жоспары, Тәуелсіздік, Физика, Химия, абай құнанбаев қара сөздері, абай құнанбайұлының қара сөздері, ана тілі, ағылшын тілі, бала-бақша, балабақша, бастауыш сынып, баяндама, биология, география, дүниетану, ертегі, жыр, математика, презентация, сайыс, сайыс сабақ, сценарий, тарих, тақпақ, технология, тәрбие сағаты, Қазақ әдебиеті, Қазақстан, қазақ тілі, қазақ тілінен сабақ жоспары, қысқа мерзімді жоспар, өлең

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