Сайтқа кіру Тіркелу

The “Baiga”on the Abai`s anniversary.”

Theme “The “ Baiga on the 150th anniversary of Abay in Zhidebay”

Aims and objectives:
1. Speaking about Kazakh national game “ Baiga”, talking about other national games.
2.Developing skills and habits in listening comprehension.
3.Bringing up students to love their country and national traditions

Presentation of the text 1 “Baiga”.
A) Pre-reading task. Work in small groups. Discuss the following questions.
1)When do Kazakh children begin to sit on the horse?
2) How do you understand the words “nomads “
B)Reading. Read the text and answer the questions.


“Hi, my name is Arman. My surname is Andasov. I am Kazakh. I am from Urdzhar. I want to be a veterinary. A veterinary is an animal doctor. I like animals very much as my grandfather. Here you can see the photo of my relatives. I am in the center. My granddad is holding my cousin Sayat. To the right of my grandfather on the horse there are my younger brothers Duman and Kanat. My uncle Seilhan is near me on the third horse. All members of our family are fond of horses very much. Some years ago several horses from Urdzhar took part in the “Baiga”on the Abai`s anniversary.”

“Baiga” is an old traditional kind of sport for Kazakh people. The best horses only participate in these races. Traditionally, run distances of twenty and forty kilometers and complete in jorga (ambler or pacer races) Usually they run for ten kilometers. The “Baiga” in Karaul Was a great performance: about one and hundred of horse owners from twelve regions of Kazakhstan and Irtish surroundings were invited to take part at that time, the competition rules followed the European circle system. The prizes for the winners were twelve prestige cars of world-known companies “MERSEDES”, “TOYOTA”, “NISSAN”, and “DAEWOO”.
There was special prize for the audience. One million Kazakh tenge was for the winner the first carried out totalizator game.
Answer the questions
a)what kind of sport is “Baiga”?
b)what was the prize for the winners in Karaul?
c)Do you like “Baiga”

Read the text again and pick out the verbs in Simple tense. (Future, Past, Present).
Complete the sentences with the verbs Simple tense.
A) I ____________in the center.
B) All members of my family _____________ fond of horses.
C) “Baiga” ____________ an greet old traditional kind of sport for Kazakh people.
D) The best horses ___________ there races.
E) The “Baiga” in Karaul ___________ a great performance.
F) The competition rules ___________ the European circle system.
VI. Talk to your partner.
A)Did you go to the celebration of Abai`s anniversary?
B)Have you ever seen the “Baiga”?
C)What do the worlds “jorga”, “Baiga”, “steppe” mean for Kazakh people?
VII.Home task: Retelling the text
Кері қайту
Ілмек сөздер: Ағылшын тілі, Абай
Пікірлер: 0
Пікір білдіру
Қонақтар,тобындағы қолданушылар пікірін білдіре алмайды.
Абайдың қара сөздері, Ашық сабақ, Бастауыш, Информатика, Мақала, Мұқағали Мақатаевтың өлеңдері, Ресей, Русский язык, Сабақ жоспары, Тәуелсіздік, Химия, абай құнанбаев қара сөздері, абай құнанбайұлының қара сөздері, ана тілі, ағылшын тілі, бала-бақша, балабақша, бастауыш сынып, баяндама, биология, география, дүниетану, ертегі, жыр, математика, нақыл сөздер, презентация, сайыс, сайыс сабақ, сценарий, тарих, тақпақ, технология, тәрбие сағаты, Қазақ әдебиеті, Қазақстан, қазақ тілі, қазақ тілінен сабақ жоспары, қысқа мерзімді жоспар, өлең

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