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Шәкәрім атындағы
облыстық дарынды балаларға арналған
үш тілде оқытатын мамандандырылған
мектептің ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі
Наурызова Гульнура Дулатовна

Ағылышын тілі 2 сынып
The theme: Animals
Aims of the lesson
1. To enrich pupils’ knowledge, to develop pupils’ abilities in speech.
2. To develop their reading, writing, listening skills and grammar, lexical habits.
3. To bring up pupils to be attentive, to write neatly and correctly.
To enlarge their love for animals.
Teaching method: Explanation answer - question, listening, work in pairs and work in group.
Visual aids: An interactive board, a crossword, pictures of the animals, riddles.
Procedure of the lesson

1. Organization moment.
Teacher: Good morning, girls and boys! How are you? I want you to guess the theme of our lesson today.
2. Well, friends, to begin with, have a look at the blackboard, please. Here is a puzzle for you to do. Name all the words in the pictures, take only the first letter of each word and you will read the theme of today’s lesson. For example, apple – letter ‘A’
II. Today our class to be divided in 3 group.
The 1st group: wild animals
The 2nd group: pet animals
The 3rd group: dangerous animals
Teacher: 1 gr - What wild animals do you know?
2 gr - What pet animals do you know?
3 gr - What dangerous animals do you know?

III. Let’s sing the song:
Zoo, Zoo, Zoo, Zoo.
We are at the zoo.
Zoo, Zoo, Zoo, Zoo.
We are at the zoo.
I’m a tiger, big tiger.
I’m a hippo, sad hippo.
I’m a monkey, funny monkey.
We are at the zoo.
We are at the zoo.
I’m a crocodile, big crocodile.
I’m an elephant, sad elephant
I’m an antelope, funny antelope.
We are at the zoo.
We are at the zoo.
Zoo, Zoo, Zoo, Zoo.
We are at the zoo.
Zoo, Zoo, Zoo, Zoo.
We are at the zoo.

IV. Look at the blackboard please. Match the picture with the descriptions
1. This animals looks a big cat. It lives in the jungle.(tiger)
2. This animals can walk without food and water for a long time. (camel)
3. This animals look a dog but it is wild (wolf)
4. The animal that sleeps all winter in a den. (Bear)
5. It has got a long ears. It eats carrots. (Rabbit)
6. This animals live in the India and Africa. It eats grass, leaves.(elephant)

V. Let’s paint these pictures:
VI. Game “Who I am?”
Әрбір оқушының құлағына бір жануардың атын айту керек. Ол оқушы жануардың атын атамай бейнесін көрсетеді немесе ол жануар не істейді соны көрсетеді.
Қалған оқушы оның қай жануарды көрсетіп тұрғанын ағылшын тілінде айтып табады.

VII. Look at the crossword and try to find animals
1. It eats carrots. It has got long ears.
2. It needs very little water and it lives in the desert.
3. These animals eats bananas.
4. It lives in the jungle and it can climb, swim and run very fast.

r a b b i t
c a m e l
m o n k e y
l i o n

VIII. Physical exercises: Open, close

ІХ. Unscramble the words
Acmle --------- Camel
Thaleepn --------- Elephant
Niol ------------------ Lion
Aangkoor -------------- Kangaroo
Ffergia -------------------- Giraffe

X. Write and say:


ХІ. Conclusion
Reflection: “The tree of success”. Green leaf – if you liked the lesson, red leaf – if you didn’t like the lesson.

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