Батыс Қазақстан облысы
Орал қаласы №1ЖОББМ
ағылшын тілі мұғалімі
Жангирова Бибинур Жумановна
Game: Jeopardy.
I. Countable or uncountable?
1 team
1. Banana.
2. Excitement
3. Information
4. Experience
5. View
2. Team
1. Bread
2. Experience
3. Money
4. Importance
5. Cholesterol
II. A, an or the.
1 team
1. London is the capital of England.
2. What a nice Jacket.
3. Picasso was an artist.
4. Would you please turn down _ music?
5. It takes 10 hours by plane to cross the Pacific.
III Find the Mistake.
1 team
1. The man is looking for an job.
2. Seoul is largest city in Korea. 200
3. I love the bananas. 300
4. Will you have a dinner with me? 400
5. Jupiter and Saturn are two biggest planets. 500
IV. Fill – in: General
2. Team
1. My favorite flower is - rose. 100
2. - Service at the restaurant was good. 200
3. Are you interested in - art? 300
4. Bob went to ___ prison to visit his brother. 400
6. Last year I had a vacation in ___ Virgin Islands. 500
V. Fill - in: General
1. Team
1. - Russian Federation. 100
2. I don’t like - ice - cream. 200
3. Can you play - guitar? 300
4. I can’t play - chess. 400
5. She goes to - school every day. 500
VI. Proverbs
2. Team
1. Health is better than ___. 100 (weather)
2. Business before ___. 200 (pleasure)
3. A friend in need is a friend ___. 300 (indeed)
4. Better late than ___. 400 (never)
5. Curiosity killed the ___. 500 (cat)
1. Team
1. Every country has it’s ___. 100 (customs)
2. Something is better than ___. 200 (nothing)
3. There is no smoke without ___. 300 (fire)
4. When the cat is away, the mice will___. 400 (play)
5. East or West, home is ___. 500 (best)
VI. Tenses
2. Team
1. I hope you are a good girl. 100
2. He could play the piano. 200
3. We shall go to Britain next summer. 300
4. I have bought an ice - cream. 400
5. She has been dancing since childhood. 500
1. Team
1. My mother likes smiling. 100
2. She is walking along the street. 200
3. Kangaroos came from Australia. 300
4. He has left London. 400
5. We have been walking for hours. 5
VII. Say in one word.
2. Team
1. A model of a person that children make using snow - ___. 100 (snowman)
2. Someone whose job is to teach - ___. 200 (a teacher)
3. A place where we go everyday besides Sunday - ___. 300 (a school)
4. An area of land that has it’s own government and official borders - ___. 400 (a country)
5. An area of land that is controlled by a particular country - ___. 500 (territory)
1 team
1. The clear liquid that falls as rain and is used for drinking, washing - __. 100 (water)
2. A long curried fruit with yellow skin - __ . 200 (a banana)
3. A building for living in usually where only one family lives - __. 300 (a house)
4. The official song of a particular country - __. 400 (anthem)
5. A country ruled by a king or a queen - __. 500 (kingdom)
VIII. Do you know?
2. Team
1. Where is the Statue of Liberty situated? 100 (New York)
2. What building is this? 200
3. Three kangaroos run 9km. How many km. did each kangaroo run? 300 (9 km)
4. What is the official language of Canada? 400 (English)
5. What is the symbol of the UK? 500 (a red rose)
1 team
1. Where is the Big – Ben situated? 100 (London)
2. What building is this? 200 (The Buckingham palace)
3. There are 5 boys in one family. Each of them has a sister. How many are there children in the family? 300 (six)
4. What is the official language of Egypt? 400 (Arabic)
5. Where is the statue of Admiral Nelson? 500 (London)
The game is over.
Good luck!
Thanks a lot for your participation
- Бибинур
- 20 сәуір 2012
- 3693
- 0
- 0
Ілмек сөздер: Ағылшын тілі, London, official, family
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