Subject: English
The theme: Unit 4 Step 2 At the doctor’s
Date: 18.01.2012
Grade: 7 “B”
Educational: speaking about doctor’s work, talking about illness and their treatment giving advice, practicing conversations between a doctor and patient.
Developing: developing the responsibility for one’s health and persuade pupils that a sound mind can only be in a sound body.
Cultural: bringing up them to love English language
The type of the lesson: Mixed lesson
The kind of the lesson: Demonstrative
The visual aids of the lesson: active board
The Outline of the lesson
I. Organization of the lesson
a) Greeting
II. Checking up the home work
a) ex:9 in written form
III. Explanation of the new lesson
a) Unit 4 Step 2 At the doctor’s
b) New words
IV. Explanation of the new material
a) Ex: 4
b) Ex: 5
c) Ex: 7
d) Ex: 8
V. Conclusion
a) Ex: 9
VI. Home task
a) Ex: 10
The procedure of the lesson
I. Organization of the lesson
a) Greeting
- Good morning!
- Good morning!
-Who is on duty today?
-Who is absent?
-What date is it today?
-What day is it today?
-What was home work for today?
-Who is ready?
II. Checking up the home work
a) ex:9 in written form (which sentences are true or false ?)
III. Explanation of the new lesson
c) Unit 4 Step 2 At the doctor’s
d) New words
Unit 4 Step 2 At the doctor’s-
Today we’ll speak our first main wealth which is health, because we can’t be happy unless we feel well. If I’m not mistaken I say work of doctor in our life, a doctor’s advice can always help people. That’s why we talk about doctor’s job.
At first we must introduce new words according to the new theme.
Patient - Науқас
Examine - Тексеру
Suggest - Ұсыну
Hurt - Ауырту
Strip - Шешіну
Tablespoonful - Ас үй қасығы...
Surgery - Хирургия
Sick - Құсқысы келу ...
Giddy - Басы айналу
Waist - Бел ...
Swallow - Жұтыну
Tonsillitis - Тамақ ауруы
To have eyes tested - Көзін тексеру
Had better - Жақсы болу
IV. Explanation of the new material
e) Ex: 4
Read the text
f) Ex: 5
Complete the chart
g) Ex: 7
Find the sentences how doctor examined Tom
h) Ex: 8
Read and complete the letter
V. Conclusion
a)Ex: 10
VI. Home task
a) Ex: 10
At the doctor's
- vip_guli
- 18 сәуір 2012
- 6481
- 0
- 0
Ілмек сөздер: lesson, doctor’s, English
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