Сайтқа кіру Тіркелу


Қарағанды облысы, Ұлытау ауданы,
«№11Қоскөл жалпы орта білім беретін мектебі»
ағылшын тілі пәнінің мұғалімі
Ғалымжан Төлеукүл Ғалымжанқызы

Teacher: Good afternoon children & dear quests.
Sit down, please.
Knock! Knock! – Who are you?
Happy Halloween to you!
Trick or Treat! Give me cheese,
Give me red apple, please!
Give me candies & a cake,
Pumpkin pies for ghost’s sake!

Dear boys & girls, can you tell me
what holiday shall we celebrate today?
Children: Halloween!
Teacher: Right you are. I congratulate you with this amazing holiday!
And now you will hear about this holiday from our quests. Do you know them?
V. W. - I’m Vinegar witch.
Q. S. - I’m Queen Salt.
P. P. - I’m Prince Pepper.
V. W. – We all live in a Magic country.
P. P. - I’m very rich prince. I have a lot of food, I like mustard very much. But someone has stolen all my magic mustard seeds.
Q. S. – And only Vinegar Witch can give Prince Pepper’s magic mustard seeds.
V. W. – Oh, I’ll give you all magic seeds, if these children will be very active, attentive & clever.
Q. S. - Oh, children, help us please.
Children: O’K.
Vinegar Witch: O’K let’s sing a song together. /дети дружно поют песню/
1 “Hello, my friends”.

Teacher: And now we will hear about Halloween from our quests. /гости показывают презентацию/
2 Presentation.

Teacher: Thank you very much!
Now let’s play Halloween games! But before, I want you divide into two teams. You are the team of “the yellow Moon” and you are “the magic Night”.
Listen to the first task: Be very attentive. Listen to my questions & try to give the right answer. Choose it from these sentences.

3 Questions: /чья команда быстро и правильно отвечает, получают маленькие открытки с тыковками за каждый правильный ответ/
1. What does “Halloween” mean? (Halloween means a holy evening and take place on the 31st of October.)
2. What did people think about Halloween many centuries ago?(Many centuries ago people thought that H. was the night when the witches and other evil spirits came out)
3. Where did Halloween appear? (In Britain, N. F.)
4. What is the main Symbol of Halloween? (A pumpkin – Jack - o’ - lantern).
5. How do children have fun? (In the evening children go from house to house, knock on the doors & say “Trick or Treat”).
6. What do children do if people don’t give them a “treat”? (They play a trick on them)
7. What people do with pumpkin? (They cut horrible faces in pumpkins and put a candle inside.)
Vinegar witch: Oh children, you are very clever. Do you want to play with me?
Children: Yes!

V. W: O’K. Who will be first?
4. The scary pantomime. / дети изображают пантомиму /

Try to describe with mime this word. & the other boys & girls try to guess who you are.
1) Ghost
2) a black cat
3) pumpkin
4) witch

V. W: Oh, You are so funny well done.
Teacher: Dear children, let’s sing a song to our guests.

5.“Knock! knock, trick or treat Who are you? ”
/ в каждом куплете есть свой персонаж: пират, балерина и т. д. Ученики имитируют их. Желательно, чтобы дети были одеты соответственно своим героям /

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Абайдың қара сөздері, Ашық сабақ, Бастауыш, Информатика, Мақала, Мұқағали Мақатаевтың өлеңдері, Ресей, Русский язык, Сабақ жоспары, Тәуелсіздік, Физика, Химия, абай құнанбаев қара сөздері, абай құнанбайұлының қара сөздері, ана тілі, ағылшын тілі, бала-бақша, балабақша, бастауыш сынып, баяндама, биология, география, дүниетану, ертегі, жыр, математика, презентация, сайыс, сайыс сабақ, сценарий, тарих, тақпақ, технология, тәрбие сағаты, Қазақ әдебиеті, Қазақстан, қазақ тілі, қазақ тілінен сабақ жоспары, қысқа мерзімді жоспар, өлең

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