Тақырыбы: Sightseeing in London.
To enrich pupils’ knowledge about the places in London. To develop pupils’ logical thinking.
Күтілетін нәтиже Лондонның көрікті жерлері туралы мәлімет алады, топтық жұмыстар арқылы сыни ойлай отырып, белсенділік таныта біледі.
Түйінді идеялар (кілтті сөздер) Big Ben, Tower bridge
Сабақ кезеңдері: Сабақ барысы Бағалау ресурстар
1. Кіріспе 1. Organization moment. Тренинг “I wish you..”
Checking the home task. Divide into two groups. «Үш шапалақ» Аяпова Т. М. т. б. Ағылшын тілі, 7 сынып, Алматы, Атамұра 2012. Интерактивті тақта, маркер, түрлі түсті бояу, бағалау парақтары.
«Ағылшын тілі мектепте» журналы, «Мектептегі шет тілі» журналы.
Интернет көздері
2. Тұсаукесер 2. Warm up. New words.
Listen and repeat.
London [‘l۸ndәn] Tower of London [ðә ‘tauәr әv, l۸ndәn]
St. Paul’s Cathedral [snt ‘p: lz kә, θidrәl] the Houses of Parliament [ðә ‘hauziz әv, pα: lәmәnt] Big Ben [big ben] Westminster Abbey [‘west’minstәr, æbi]
Trafalgar square [trә’fælgә skwεә] National Gallery [‘næ∫әl, gælәri]
Nelson’s Column [‘nelsәnz, klәm] Piccadilly Circus [‘pikәdili, sә: kәs]
Tower Bridge[‘tauә, bridʒ] The Thames[ðә ‘temz] London Eye [‘l۸ndәn, ai] «Бағдаршам» әдісі арқылы бағалау.
3. Негізгі бөлім 3. “Jigsaw” Read the text and translate.
London is not only the capital and the largest city of the United Kingdom, it is also a huge port, one of the world’s greatest commercial centres, a science city, and the seat of the British Government. It’s population is about eight and a half million.
London is a multinational city, with a large immigrant population from Britain’s colonies especially from South Asia and West Indies.
London is a great educational and cultural centre. The most important parts of London are the City of London, the East End, the West End and Westminster.
The City is the oldest part of London and it’s the commercial centre of London, and London’s most important firms and banks have their officies there.
The City and the West End are the heart of the capital. Here the visitors will find all the most interesting buildings, theatres, movie houses, museums, picture galleries, shops, officies and galleries.
London has many great and wonderful sights, which attract the attention of thousands of people from every part of the world. There are many beautiful buildings in London and among them are the Houses of Parliament, the Bank of England, the British Museum. Museums and galleries are world known too, among them, the National Gallery, the Tate Gallery and the Victoria and Albert Museum.
Westminster is the next part of London. There one can see the Westminster Palace, the Westminster Abbey and the Clock tower with the Great bell — Big Ben.
Find the sights on the map which is mentioned in the text.
Fill in the blanks using the active vocabulary:
London is not only the capital and the largest city of the United Kingdom, it is also __________________________.
London is _____________ city, with a large ____________ population from Britain’s colonies especially from South Asia and West Indies.
The most important parts of London are _________ of London, _________, __________ and _______________.
The City is the oldest part of London and it’s the ___________ _________ and the London’s most important firms and baks have their offices there.
London has many great and ____________, which _________________ of thousands of people from every part of the world.
There are many beautiful buildings in London and among them are ______________________, _____________, ___________________. Бас бармақ арқылы бағалау.
4. Қорытынды Фотосуреттер Бейнелеу
The National gallery 1. The large clock is one of the Tower’s of the Houses of Parliament. You can hear the sound of it every hour in
London. The clock got its name after Sir Benjamin Hall.
Big Ben 2. It is a small street where the British Prime Minister
lives. He lives at number 10.
The Tower of London 3. This church is in the City. Sir Christopher Wren buried
under the dome. It is his masterpiece.
Downing Street 4. It was a prison, a palace, a fortress, the King’s Zoo.
But now it is a museum.
St. Paul’s Cathedral 5. It is situated in Trafalgar Square. There are two
beautiful fountains in front of it. It is one of the best
picture galleries of the world.
Өзін - өзі бағалау.
Үйге тапсырма To make a report
«Екі жұлдыз, бір тілек».
Sightseeing in London
- dream__1992
- 15 шілде 2015
- 11830
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Ілмек сөздер: London, London Eye, Sightseeing in London
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Пікір білдіру
Қонақтар,тобындағы қолданушылар пікірін білдіре алмайды.
Қонақтар,тобындағы қолданушылар пікірін білдіре алмайды.