Theme: I speak three languages Kazakh, Russian and English
Aims: 1) To introduce pupils with new theme
2) To develop pupils reading, speaking and writing habits in English
3) To bring up pupils human quality, to respect and love foreign languages and their traditions.
Stages: I. Organization moment.
Good afternoon, pupils
Good afternoon, teacher
Who’s on duty today?
Who’s absent?
II. Checking homework. Translate into Kazakh
Where is Kazakhstan?
Astana is a beautiful and a modern city.
The oil kills birds.
Do you pollute water?
Some people cut trees.
Colorado is in the USA.
III. New theme. Phonetic drill:
I can read, I can write,
I can spell my name too -
I just love going to school!
And what about you?
IV. New words: learn [lə: n] – үйрену
• speak [spi: k] – сөйлеу
• listen [listn] – тыңдау
• sit [sit] – отыру
• teach [ti: ʃ] – оқыту
• ask [a: sk] – сұрау
• sing [siŋ] – ән айту
• watch [wͻtʃ] – қарау (телевизор)
Doing exercises: Dialogue: Frank is telephoning Bolat.
Frank: Hi, Bolat. How are you?
Bolat: Fine. And you?
Frank: I’m Ok. What are you doing?
Bolat: I’m watching TV.
Frank: Do you and Alma want to come for lunch?
Bolat: Let me ask Alma.
Frank: Okay. Let me know.
Bolat: Frank, you are our guest. Come and have lunch with us.
Frank: Okay. Thanks. Goodbye.
Bolat: See you soon.
Homework: Exercise: 12 p. 171
Conclusion: The lesson is over! Goodbye pupils!!!
I speak three languages Kazakh, Russian and English
- Бисенгалиева Айнур Сагымбаевна
- 26 ақпан 2015
- 4868
- 0
- 0
Ілмек сөздер: I speak three languages Kazakh, Russian and English
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