Plan of the lesson.
The theme of the lesson: A day with the Gloom family. (Глумның жанұясындағы күн.)
The aim of the lesson: Оқушыларға ағылшын тілін үйрете отырып,
Educational aims: уақыттың айтылу жолдарын түсіндіру.
а) Білімділігі: Сонымен қатар мезгіл үстеу жөнінде мағлұмат беру. Оқылған мәтінді ауызша баяндау.
б) Дамытушылығы: Оқушылардың мезгіл үстеуден алған білімдерін дамыта отырып, ағылшын тіліне деген қызығушылықтарын арттыру.
в ) Тәрбиелілігі: Оқушының күн тәртібін ретке қойып, тиімді пайдалануға тәрбиелеу.
Methods of the lesson: question – answer, group work.
Visual aids: tape - recorder, book, multimedia, picture, activity – book, blackboard, cards.
Type of the lesson: Combination lesson. (Аралас сабақ)
Course of the lesson.
I. Organization moment.
T: Good morning pupils!
P: Good morning, Good morning to you!
Good morning, Good morning.
We` re glad to see you.
T: Thank you, sit down please.
T: Who` s on duty today?
P: I` m on duty.
T: What date is it today?
P: Today is the 13 th of February.
T: Who` s absent?
P: All are present/__/is/are present.
T: Thank you. Sit down
II. Checking homework.
T: - Are you ready for the lesson?
P: Yes/No
T: What is your homework?
P: Our homework - extra special. United Kingdom.
III. Explaining new theme.
Our new theme “ A day with the Gloom family”.
IV. New words (Cлайд - 5)
(by ) car - көлікпен.
do homework - үй жұмысын орындау.
evening - кеш.
get dressed - киіну.
get home - үйге бару.
get up - тұру.
go to bed - төсекке жатуға бару.
go to school - мектепке бару.
have a snack - жеңіл тамақ қабылдау.
Invention - ойлап шығару.
leave home - үйден шығу.
midnight - түн ортасы.
look at(stars)- жұлдыздарды қарау.
play table tennis - үстел теннисін ойнау.
rug - кілемше.
skyscraper - көп қабатты үйлер.
sleep - ұйықтау.
snack - жеңіл тамақ.
surf the Internet - интернетке отыру.
wake up - ояну, ұйқыдан тұру.
V. Grammar spot.(Слайд - 6)
Preposition of time. (Уақыт үстеуі)
Notice how we use preposition of time.
(On )- on Monday, Tuesday.
(In)- in the morning/afternoon/evening
in September, October, etc.
(at)- at night
at midnight
at one o` clock/ half past seven, etc
VI. Class work.(Слайд - 7)
Exercise 1 page. 62 listen and read.
In the morning, we wake up at ten to seven. We get up and get dressed. Then we have breakfast at half past seven. We leave home at quarter to eight and go to school. The twins go by car and I walk. Rudolph rides his bike and Helga skateboards to school. In the afternoon, we get home at quarter past three. Then we have a snack and do our homework. In the evening, we have dinner at eight o` clock and then we all go to the living room. And at midnight, we all go to bed.
Exercise 2 page 62 Draw a time line of the Gloom family` s day. Draw clocks and write the verbs.
wake up - 6. 50
have breakfast - 7. 30
leave home, go to school - 7. 45
get home, have a snack, do homework - 3. 15
have dinner - 8. 00
go to bed - 12. 00
exercise3 page 63 Every evening the Gloom family go to the living room. What do they do there?
Gordon and Vera - play table tennis.
Rudolph - read books about invention
Twins Sam and Pam - watch the news on TV
Cynthia - look at the stars
Mandy - paint picture of animals
Marta and Vincent - surf the Internet
Bernard - make model skyscrapers
Cactus, bonehead - sleep on the rug.
VII. Make sentence.(Сөйлем құрау)
Exercise 5 page 63
1 Surf d) the Internet
2 go c) to bed/to school
3 do b) homework
4 have a) breakfast/dinner/ a snack
5 play j) table tennis
6 ride h) a bike
7 watch i ) TV
8 paint f) pictures
9 look at g) the stars
10 make e) models
VIII. Answer the question. Cards
1 How many students are there in your class?
There are _nineteen students____
2. What are your favourite school subjects?
My favourite school subjects are Music, English, Art and Maths
3. What` s your favourite foods?
My favourite foods________
4. When` s your birthday?
It` s in ___
5. Where are you from?
I am from Kazakhstan in Atyrau.
6. What` s your favourite sport?
My favourite sports is________
7. Who are your best friends in your class?
My best friends are_______
Well, our lesson is almost over. Thank you for being active at the lesson. It was very interesting to work with you. Your marks for the lesson are the following.
IX. Homework.
T: Now, please write down your home task. Exercise 5 page 63 book
The lesson is over good bye.
A day with the Gloom family
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- 3 қараша 2014
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Ілмек сөздер: A day with the Gloom family
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