Сайтқа кіру Тіркелу

My Room

The theme of lesson: “My Room”

The aims of the lesson:
a) To develop communicative skills and abilities. Developing the vocabulary
b) To stimulate the students interest and their power of guessing and thinking in the foreign language.
c) Talking about rooms and things of the room. Asking and talking about jobs in the house. Asking and talking about location of things.

Language functions: Recycling the language functions.
Language structures: Are there... Is there....
The connection with other subjects: Kazakh language, computer studies (informatics).
Aids: pictures, an Active board, a book.
The type: competition, non - traditional.
I. Organization moment
a) Greeting
Good morning, dear friends!
Pupils: Good morning,
Good morning,
Good morning to you.
Good morning, dear teacher,
We are glad to see you!
Teacher: I’m very glad to see you at our English lesson. So, you are welcome! Please answer to my questions.
Who is on duty today?
Who is absent today?
What is date today?
b) Checking up the home task.
I’ll check up your home work. What was your home work today?
Our home work was to learn the words about rooms and things of the room. Phonetic drills.
In first let’s sing a MARRY RHYMES.
Kitty meets Minnie
“Minnie” says Kitty,
“Look at my pinny, isn’t it pretty?”
“Very,” says Minnie.
“I like white and blue. “Thank you.” says Kitty,
“And I like it, too” Mind the clock
And keep the rule:
Try to come
In time to school.

*CRY - WILLIE [Kr], [w] *WOOD - CHUCK [w], [ch]
Why do you cry, Willie?
Why do you cry?
Why, Willie? Why, Willie?
Why, Willie? Why?
Whenever we meet
There's a tear in your eye.
Why, Willie? Why, Willie?
Why, Willie? Why? How much wood would a wood - chuck chuck
If a wood - chuck would chuck wood?

I have two legs
With which I walk,
I have a tongue
With which I talk.
And with it too,
I eat my food
And tell
If it is bad or good. Simple Simon met a pieman,
Going to the fair;
Says Simple Simon to the pieman,
“Let me taste your ware.”
Says the pie man to Simple Simon,
“Show me first your penny.”
Says Simple Simon to the pieman,
“Indeed, I haven’t any”.

Jack and Jill went up the hill
To fetch a pail of water;
Jack fell down and broke his crown,
And Jill came tumbling after. Swan swam over the sea.
Swim, swan, swim!
Swan swam back again,
Well swum, swan!

* A BLACK CAT [æ] [t] * A BIG BLACK BUG [æ] [εә]
A Black Cat sat on a mat,
And ate a fat rat A big black bug bit a big black bear,
A big black bear bit a big black bug.

(Slide 3). Listen and repeat the words. Exercise 1. Page123.

(Slide 4). Complete the chart. Exercise 3. Page124.
2a. Rooms in a flat (house)
Write the words.
A living room

(Slide 5). Complete the chart. Exercise 3. Page124.
2b. Rooms in a flat (house)
Write the words.
A kitchen

(Slide 6). Exercise 7. Page125. Read the words below and repeat all together.
3a. Prepositions.
In the… [in] Ішінде, іште.
At the… [әt] Қасында, жанында.
In front of … [in’fr/\nt ‘әv] Алдынғы жағында, алдында
Near [niә] Қасында, жанында.
Next to … [nekst tó] Келесі, кейін.
On the … [ón] Үстінде.
Over the … [әuvә] Үстінде, жоғары (- да)
Under the … [‘/\nder] Астында.
In the middle of… [‘midl] Орта (- сында)

(Slide 7). Exercise 7 on page 125.
3b. Describe this room using prepositions.

II. Presentation. (The main part of the lesson). (Slide 8 -).
(Slide 9). Language structure.
Are there any….? Yes, there are (some) …. / No, there aren’t any…
Is there any….? Yes, there is …. / No, there aren’t any…
How many…are there…? There are… (A lot of…)
How much…is there…? There is …. (A lot of…)
What is there in the room…? There is … / There are some…

Open your copybook and write down these words.
(Slide10) Vocabulary
Wardrobe [‘wó: drәub] Шифоньер, киім шкафы.
Bookcase [bu: k’keis] Кітап сөресі
On the left [‘left] Сол жақ (- та)
Between [bi’twi: n] Ортада(- сында)
shelf [‘∫elf] Сөре (полка)
To buy [’bai] Сатып алу
Any [‘eni] Әйтеуір бір, қандайда болмасын, қанша болса да
Some [s/\m] Біраз, аздаған, бірнеше.
Need [‘ni: d] Қажет ету

Look at the picture. Make interview using questions given below.
(Slide 11). Exercise 1. Page126. 1. Interview your friend.

What’s there in the room…? There is …
Is there…? Are there…? There are … / There are some…

(Slide 12). Listen attentively and write down in the note - book.

“My Room”.
This is my room. It’s nice and clean. There is a desk near the window. There is a computer on the desk. There is a picture over the desk. There is a sofa at the wall. There is a carpet in front of the sofa. There is a wardrobe on the left side of the room. There is a bookcase next to the wardrobe. And there is a cat under the desk.

(Slide 13), (Slide 14). Draw a room under this description.

(Slide 15). Test.
You can see Numbers. You may choose any of them, and then answer to the question. You will take the good marks, if you give the correct answer.

(Slide 16) ___________ (Slide 25)

We begin the following task. You should correct words in cells.
(Slide 26). Correct words.

(Slide 27). Correct words.

III. A final stage. Summary.
- Dear pupils, today at the lesson we have learned to set questions on a theme «My room» and to answer them. Now our lesson is over. Thank you for your work. Thank you for attention. Your marks: ….

Your home work for tomorrow:
Write down in the note - book these words.
Picture [pik∫tә] Сурет
Mirror [’mirә] Айна
Pillow [pilәu] Жастық
VCR [vi: si: a:] Бейнемагнитофон
Several [‘sev(ә) rәl] Бірнеше
On the right [’rait] Оң жақ (- та)
At the top [tóp] Жоғары(- да), төбе(- сінде)
At the bottom [s/\m] Түбі(- нде), асты(- нда)

Describe this picture using prepositions.

Exercise 6 on page N113. Read & translate.
(T. Аяпова, З. Әбілдаева. Алматы «Атамура». 2001)
Exercise 6 on page N124. Read & translate.
(T. Аяпова, З. Әбілдаева. Алматы «Атамура». 2005)

You may go out. Good - Bye!
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Абайдың қара сөздері, Ашық сабақ, Бастауыш, Информатика, Мақала, Мұқағали Мақатаевтың өлеңдері, Ресей, Русский язык, Сабақ жоспары, Тәуелсіздік, Физика, Химия, абай құнанбаев қара сөздері, абай құнанбайұлының қара сөздері, ана тілі, ағылшын тілі, бала-бақша, балабақша, бастауыш сынып, баяндама, биология, география, дүниетану, ертегі, жыр, математика, презентация, сайыс, сайыс сабақ, сценарий, тарих, тақпақ, технология, тәрбие сағаты, Қазақ әдебиеті, Қазақстан, қазақ тілі, қазақ тілінен сабақ жоспары, қысқа мерзімді жоспар, өлең

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