The plan of the lesson.
The theme: Lesson 1 I want to be a teacher.
The aims: To develop pupils speaking, writing and reading skills of English language.
The Objective. SWBAT --- introduce with different professions and learn them.
The type of the lesson: mixed lesson
The form of the lesson: group lesson.
Visual aids: Pictures, cards e. t. c.
The procedure of the lesson:
I Org moment
Hello children! How are you? What is the day today?
S 1 We are fine! S 2 --- Today is Monday. S3 --- I am on duty today.
II Warm -- Up
I am a teacher,
She is a doctor
He is a worker.
We are pilots
They are drivers.
II Checking up homework.
Let’s check your home work Ex 4. 5. Who is ready? Who will be the first?
IV Presentation.
Doctor [ dokto] She is a doctor.
Teacher [ ti: tsә ] He is a teacher.
Driver [ driavә ] you are driver
Worker [ wә: кә ] I am a worker.
She is the dauhther of my mother. She is my …….
She is the sister of my mother.. She is my ……….
He is the sun of my mother. He is my …….
His ia the brother of my mother. He is my ………
1 Sister. 2 Aunt. 3 Brother. Driver
Worker [ wә: кә ] I am a worker.
I am you are
She is we are Plural
He is Singular They are
It is
V. Practice
I am a teacher
She is a doctor Positive sentence
We are pilots
I am not a teacher
She is not a doctor Negative sentence.
We are not pilots
She is the dauhther of my mother. She is my …….
She is the sister of my mother.. She is my ……….
He is the sun of my mother. He is my …….
His ia the brother of my mother. He is my ………
1 Sister. 2 Aunt. 3 Brother. 4 Uncle.
Ex 3 Say what they are Examples: He is a pilot. She is a doctor.
VI. Production.
Let’s repeat our words: teacher, driver, worker, engineer, pilot.
Repeat questions: What do you want to be?
I Teacher Doctor Driver
WorkerWorker [ wә: кә ] I am a worker.
I am you are
She is we are Plural
He is Singular They are
It is
V. Practice
I am a teacher
She is a doctor Positive sentence
We are pilots
I am not a teacher
She is not a doctor Negative sentence.
We are not pilots
She is the dauhther of my mother. She is my …….
She is the sister of my mother.. She is my ……….
He is the sun of my mother. He is my …….
His ia the brother of my mother. He is my ………
1 Sister. 2 Aunt. 3 Brother. 4 Uncle.
Ex 3 Say what they are Examples: He is a pilot. She is a doctor.
VI Production.
Let’s repeat our words: teacher, driver, worker, engineer, pilot.
Repeat questions: What do you want to be?
I Teacher Doctor Driver
Worker [ wә: кә ] I am a worker.
I am you are
She is we are Plural
He is Singular They are
It is
V. Practice
I am a teacher
She is a doctor Positive sentence
We are pilots
I am not a teacher
She is not a doctor Negative sentence.
We are not pilots
She is the dauhther of my mother. She is my …….
She is the sister of my mother.. She is my ……….
He is the sun of my mother. He is my …….
His ia the brother of my mother. He is my ………
1 Sister. 2 Aunt. 3 Brother. 4 Uncle.
Ex 3 Say what they are Examples: He is a pilot. She is a doctor.
VI Production.
Let’s repeat our words: teacher, driver, worker, engineer, pilot.
Repeat questions: What do you want to be?
I Teacher Doctor Driver
VIII Hometask. Ex 5 Read the text about the Browns.
I want to be a teacher
- Ақмаржан
- 12 мам 2014
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Ілмек сөздер: I want to be a teacher
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