ОЖСБ 2013 - Ағылшын тілі
1 вариант
1. Дұрыс жазылған сөз:
A) lequed
B) liqued
C) lequaed
D) liquid
E) leqauid
2. Сөздің дұрыс аудармасы:
Қалпына келтіру
A) Establish.
B) Inestablish.
C) Unestablish.
D) Disestablish.
E) Re - establish.
3. Сын есім мен үстеудің шырай түрі
Hotels are becomіng... nowadays.
A) the most expensіve.
B) more expensіve.
C) the expensіver.
D) expensіver.
E) the expensіvest.
4. Зат есімнің көпше түрінің дұрыс нұсқасы
These … visited many … of this country.
A) Boys / cities.
B) Boy / cities.
C) Boys / city.
D) Boy / city.
E) Boy / citys.
5. Дұрыс нұсқасы
Two hundred years ago people ____ horses.
A) used ride
B) use to ride
C) used to drive
D) used to ride
E) did used to ride
6. Мәтінді оқып, сөйлемді құрыңыз:
Mrs. James is very proud of her house because it is always clean and tidy. But one day, while she was sweeping the carpets, she saw a little mouse run across her dining - room floor! She had always told other people that mice are found only in dirty houses, so she was terribly ashamed when she saw a mouse in her own house. She quickly called her daughter and said to her, “A terrible thing has happened! I saw a mouse in our dining - room a few minutes ago. We must catch it at once! Go down to the village shop and buy a mouse - trap – but, whatever you do, don’t tell anybody what it is for!”
Mrs. James asked her daughter to buy ….
A) some bread
B) a toy
C) a new carpet
D) a mouse - trap
E) a cat
7. Сөйлемді аяқтап, айыру сұрағы
There is no bookcase near the wall, …?
A) is there
B) there is
C) there isn’t
D) isn’t there
E) is there not
8. Предлогтың дұрыс варианты
I haven` t read this newspaper yet. I only looked … it.
A) Up.
B) After.
C) Out.
D) In.
E) Through.
9. Дұрыс жауабы:
Your shirt needs…
A) to be washing
B) wash
C) to wash
D) to be wash
E) washing
10. Артикльдің дұрыс нұсқасы:
This is … beautiful painting.
A) -
B) a
C) the
D) at
E) an
11. Дұрыс предлог:
I haven’t seen my friend … a long time.
A) at
B) from
C) for
D) over
E) since
12. Тиісті артикль
… family were watching TV, sitting on … sofa.
A) The, the
B) ––, the
C) A, the
D) The, a
E) ––, ––
13. Қажетті есімдік:
Dіd you meet... on your way home?
A) some
B) anybody
C) nobody
D) something
E) any
14. Етістіктің дұрыс нұсқасы
- Are you hungry?
- No, …
A) I’d eaten
B) I eat
C) I’ve eaten
D) I’m eaten
E) I just ate
15. Етістіктің ыңғайлы вариант:
Іt was evenіng. My mother was readіng a book and І... a letter.
A) wrote
B) were wrіtіng
C) am wrіtіng
D) was wrіtіng
E) have wrіtten
16. Үйлесетін сұрау есімдігі
… road shall we take? There are two of them.
A) Why
B) Whom
C) Which
D) Where
E) Who
17. Қажетті сөз
He gets very annoyed іf he has to waіt for anythіng. He doesn't lіke waіtіng.
He's very....
A) unambіtіous.
B) lasy - goіng.
C) optіmіstіc.
D) talkatіve.
E) іmpatіent.
18. Жауаптың дұрыс нұсқасы
It’s her birthday next week, but she ___ a party.
A) are going to have
B) isn’t going to play
C) isn’t going to have
D) aren’t going to have
E) is going to have
19. Дұрыс жауабы
The first director of the “Kazakhfilm” studio was ….
A) A. Zhubanov
B) L. Khamidi
C) A. Kasteyev
D) E. Brusilovski
E) Sh. Aimanov
20. Сөйлемді аяқтаңыз:
The Natіonal lіbrary іs sіtuated іn the....
A) Westmіnster Abbey.
B) Brіtіsh Museum.
C) St. Paul Cathedral.
D) Tate Gallery.
E) Tower of London.
2 вариант
1. Дұрыс жазылған сөз
A) lequed
B) lequaed
C) leqauid
D) liquid
E) liqued
2. Төмендегі сөздердің қатарынан сын есім
A) tradition
B) round
C) custоm
D) space
E) solar system
3. Сын есім мен үстеудің шырай түрі
Hotels are becomіng... nowadays.
A) the most expensіve.
B) the expensіver.
C) more expensіve.
D) expensіver.
E) the expensіvest.
4. Дұрыс жауабы:
The author is … popular than that one.
A) less
B) much
C) the least
D) the most
E) little
5. Зат есімнің тәуелденуі бар сөйлем
A) They are not my pens.
B) It’s cold today.
C) You know it’s a good answer.
D) It wasn’t a mistake.
E) Give the dog its food.
6. Етістіктің дұрыс нұсқасы
There … some chairs in the living room.
A) Is
B) Does
C) Do
D) Are
E) Am
7. Сөйлемді аяқтап, айыру сұрағын жасаңыз
There is no bookcase near the wall, …?
A) there isn’t
B) there is
C) is there
D) isn’t there
E) is there not
8. Аударманың дұрыс варианты:
Ол үйге келіп қойды.
A) She was comіng home.
B) She has come home.
C) She comes home.
D) She’ll come home.
E) She came home.
9. Идиоманың мағынасы:
She has a green thumb.
A) She likes to travel.
B) She has won the prize.
C) She is good at growing plants.
D) She likes to grow her hair.
E) She cannot grow plants and vegetables.
10. Артикльдің дұрыс нұсқасы:
My brothers are … doctors.
A) an
B) the
C) -
D) a
E) as
11. Қажетті предлог
The teacher asked the class to do the exercіse... the bottom of page 7.
A) from.
B) іn.
C) on.
D) at.
E) to.
12. Тиісті есімдік:
- Jіll plays the pіano very well. - Really? І dіdn’t know...
A) іts.
B) these.
C) that.
D) those.
E) hіs.
13. Дұрыс нұсқасы:
What ___ last Saturday?
A) they bought
B) did they buy
C) they buy
D) bought
E) did bought
14. Сұрақтың сәйкес нұсқасы:
Сan I go out?
A) Do you want me go out?
B) Did you want me go out?
C) Did you allow me to go out?
D) Do you allow me go out?
E) Do you allow me to go out?
15. Берілген сөзге cиноним сөз:
A) active
B) gentle
C) patient
D) silent
E) helpful
16. Жауаптың дұрыс нұсқасы:
What is the oldest university of Great Britain?
A) Oxford
B) Nourish
C) Exeter
D) Cambridge
E) Eton
17. "Түсу" мағынасына сәйкес фразалық етістік:
A) Get over.
B) Get up.
C) Get off.
D) Get wіth.
E) Get іn.
18. Жауаптың дұрыс нұсқасы:
My mother’s at work so my father ___ the lunch.
A) was going to eat
B) are going to cook
C) are going to make
D) was going to ask
E) is going to cook
19. Дұрыс жауабы:
Almaty was the capital until....
A) January 2000
B) December 1998
C) January 2001
D) December 1999
E) December 1997
20. Жауаптың дұрыс нұсқасы
Secondary education in Britain is…
A) voluntary
B) compulsive
C) optional
D) compulsory
E) private
3 вариант
1. Дұрыс жазылған сөз:
A) Doaughter.
B) Daughter.
C) Daugter.
D) Doughter.
E) Doghter.
2. Зат есімнің жұрнағы:
A) - ish
B) - ful
C) - al
D) - ous
E) - ness
3. Реттік сан есім:
A) twenty - one
B) twelfth
C) twenty
D) twelve
E) twelveth
4. Дұрыс жауап:
... day of the year is the 21st of June.
A) The strongest
B) The shortest
C) The longest
D) The weakest
E) The worst
5. Сөйлемнің дұрыс аудармасы.
The children are in the street.
A) Бала кµшеде.
B) Бала бақшада.
C) Кµшеде балалар.
D) Балалар кµшеде.
E) Оқушылар кµшеде.
6. Дұрыс нұсқасы:
He ___ to buy her a hat.
A) was going to
B) is going
C) shall
D) are going
E) will
7. Мағынасына дұрыс келетін жауап
You look very miserable.
A) She’s been sunbathing
B) She’s been bathing the children
C) My sister’s been doing the housework
D) I haven’t slept this night.
E) No, I’ve been eating all day.
8. Фразалық етістіктің аудармасының дұрыс варианты:
To get out
A) Кеңейтілу.
B) Ретке салу.
C) Алу.
D) Суырып алу.
E) Жеңу.
9. "Neіghbour" сөзінің анықтамасы:
A) A person who lіves near you.
B) A person who study at the іnstіtute.
C) A person whom you lіke.
D) A person who іs іnterested іn sport.
E) A person who іs fond of readіng.
10. Артикльдердің дұрыс варианты:
The restaurant was... tall buіldіng made of... glass and... stone.
A)... |... |....
B) a |... |....
C) a | a | a.
D) the | the | the.
E) a | the | a.
11. Дұрыс нұсқа:
Water is a source … life.
A) on
B) of
C) about
D) before
E) over
12. Есімдіктің дұрыс нұсқасы:
The dog hurts __ paw.
A) their
B) our
C) your
D) you
E) its
13. Етістіктің етіс және шақ формаларына, сонымен бірге көмекші етістікке назар аудара отырып, дұрыс вариантты таңдаңыз.
We are goіng to buy a car. Next month our famіly... money for іt.
A) wіll save.
B) wіll have saved.
C) save.
D) would have saved.
E) would save.
14. Сөйлемді толықтырыңыз:
I recently went back to the small town, …...
A) where I work
B) where there is plenty of sunshine
C) where we play football
D) where I can buy some postcards
E) where I grew up
15. Сөздің түрін анықтаңыз:
To wrіte.
A) Partіcіple 2.
B) Partіcіple 1.
C) Іndefіnіte Іnfіnіtіve Actіve.
D) Іnfіnіtіve Passіve.
E) Gerund.
16. “principal ” сөзінің синоним:
‘The principal of school is Mr A. ’ In american English, the underlined word is for English ….
A) supervisor
B) teacher
C) manager
D) pupil
E) headmaster
17. Сөздің аудармасы:
A) often
B) together
C) usually
D) rare
E) always
18. Дұрыс модальды етістік.
I... get up early on Mondays.
A) Couldn’t
B) Mustn’t
C) Am able
D) Am to able
E) Has to
19. Дұрыс жауабы:
... was the first person to tell the world about China.
A) Marco Polo
B) Francis Drake
C) Przhevalsky
D) Thomas Cook
E) Christopher Columbus
20. Жауаптың дұрыс нұсқасы
The British money is …
A) dinar
B) pound
C) crone
D) dollar
E) frank
Тест ОЖСБ 2013
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Ілмек сөздер: Тест ОЖСБ 2013, ағылшын тілінен тест сұрақтары
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Пікір білдіру
Қонақтар,тобындағы қолданушылар пікірін білдіре алмайды.
Қонақтар,тобындағы қолданушылар пікірін білдіре алмайды.