Lesson planning sheet.
Theme: My school. In my bag
Materials: Primary Colours I. Diana Hicks, Andrew Littlejohn.
Cambridge University Press 2013.
The aim:
1. Practical: To revise the language covered in Unit 1.
2. Educational: To teach classroom vocabulary: bag, book, classroom, felt tip, pencil, rubber, ruler.
3. Bringing - up: To develop their reading and speaking.
The theme: A. My school. In my bag.
The type of the lesson: Explanation lesson.
The methods: speaking and listening, writing.
Equipment and visual aids: pictures, CD - s, cards.
The procedure of the lesson.
I. Warming - up.
Good morning dear children!
I’m glad to see you. Sit down, please.
1. Phonetic - drill.
Let’s begin our lesson with a song "In my bag".
In my bag, bag, bag,
Here's my book, book, book,
My book, book, book,
In my bag, bag, bag,
Here's my book, book, book.
In my bag, bag, bag,
Here's my pencil, pencil, pencil,
My pencil, pencil, pencil,
In my bag, bag, bag,
Here's my pencil, pencil, pencil.
In my bag, bag, bag,
Here's my ruler, ruler, ruler,
My ruler, ruler, ruler,
In my bag, bag, bag,
Here's my ruler, ruler, ruler.
Listen to CD - s attentively and repeat.
Very well. Thank you.
II. Presentation.
Now, today's our theme is My school. "In my bag".
Listen to the CD classroom activities.
1. New words:
What's is it?- Бұл не?
bag [bәеg]- сөмке
book [buk]- кітап
classroom ['kla: srum]- сынып бөлмесі
felt tip [fel tip]- фломастер
pencil ['pensl]- қарындаш
rubber ['r^bә]- кетіргіш
ruler ['ru: lә]- сызғыш
pen [pen]- қалам
All of you repeat after me these new words.
Read these new words without me.
III. Practice.
Now, open your books at page 12 exercise 1. Listen and look.
1. Nico: Hello. My name's Nico.
Oh! My classroom.
2. Nico: My bag.
A book. One.
Look, my name... Nico.
Two rulers. One, two.
Three pencils. One, two, three.
Four felt tips. One, two, three, four.
Whoops... er... one ruler.
3. Nico: Oh! My rubber.
4. Nico: My magic rubber! Goodbye!
Open your books at page 13 exercise 2. Listen, point and say.
1. One pencil, one bag, two rulers, three rubbers, four felt tips, one book.
2. One bag, two books, one pencil, one rubber, two felt tips, two rulers.
3. One ruler, two pencils, one bag, five felt tips, one book, four rubbers.
4. One rubber, two books, one pencil, three rulers, one bag, three felt tips.
5. Two felt tips, one pencil, two rulers, one bag, one book, five rubbers.
Write down in your copybooks.
Stop talking! Keep silent!
IV. Rounding - up.
1. Marks.
I’m satisfied with your answers and I want to announce your marks:
“five”, “four”, "sat".
The lesson is over: Good - bye, children!
Famous people of GB
- mari613
- 1 сәуір 2014
- 4269
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Ілмек сөздер: Famous people of GB, My school, In my bag
Ұқсас жаңалықтар:

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Пікір білдіру
Қонақтар,тобындағы қолданушылар пікірін білдіре алмайды.
Қонақтар,тобындағы қолданушылар пікірін білдіре алмайды.