
Music that changes lives

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Form 9
Theme of the lesson: Music that changes lives
Aims of the lesson:
Educational: To enrich pupils’ speech using vocabulary, Present Perfect Continuous tense,
listening activities, memory.
Developing: To develop their reading, grammar and lexical habits.
Bringing - up: To bring - up love and interest to the subject, to bring - up pupils to be attentive to
write neatly and correctly.
Visual aids: pictures, an active board.
Outline of the lesson:
I. Organization moment
- Greetings.
II. Checking the homework: Exercise 2d p19 WB.
III. New words:
an orchestra [ˊɔ: kɪstrə] - оркестр
the conductor [kənʹdʌktə]- дирижёр
a choir [ˊkwaɪə]- хор, ансамбль
lyrics [` lɪrɪks]- лирика
percussion [pəˊkʌʃn]- резкий звук, ударные инструменты
backing singers [ˊbækɪŋ ˈsɪŋəz ] - бэк - вокалистки
a recording studio [rɪˈkɔ: dɪŋ ʹstju: dı|əʋ] – студия звукозаписи
IV. The theme of our lesson:
Grammar: Present Perfect Continuous tense
We have been helping kids to stay away from drugs.
He has been working there for many years.
We haven’t been helping kids to stay away from drugs.
He hasn’t been working there for many years.
Have you been helping kids to stay away from drugs? - Yes, I have.
Has he been working there for many years? – No, he hasn’t.
2. Read the text: Music that changes lives.
V. Practice work:
Exercise 2b p 75 SB Underline other examples of the Present Perfect Continuous in the text on
page 74. Then complete the table and the rule.
The school has been training young musicians from the area since 1994.
He has been working at Pracatum Music School for many years.
The school hasn’t been training young musicians from the area since 1994.
He hasn’t been working at Pracatum Music School for many years
Has the school been training young musicians from the area since 1994? - Yes, it has
Has he been working at Pracatum Music School for many years? - Yes, he has.
Exercise 2c p75 SB Look at the pictures. Write a sentence in the Present Perfect Continuous for
each picture.
1. She has been running.
2. He has been cooking all morning.
3. I haven’t been feeling well.
4. You haven’t been practicing enough!
5. They have been playing football.
6. We have been watching too much TV!
Exercise 2d p75 SB Complete sentences. Use the Present Perfect Continuous.
1. How/long/she/play/the drums?
How long has she been playing the drums?
2. I/wait/for you/for ages!
I have been waiting for you for ages!
3. He /not sleep/enough.
He hasn’t been sleeping enough.
4. I/not learn/English/very long.
I haven’t been learning English very long.
5. How long/you/eat?
How long have you been eating?
6. They/do their homework/for three hours.
They have been doing their homework for three hours.
VI. Homework: Exercise 2a p60 WB.
VIII. Conclusion: Giving marks. Good bye, pupils!

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