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What do you want to be?

Тема урока: "What do you want to be?" 5 класс
Цели урока:
1. образовательная: формирование и развитие умений и навыков иноязычной речевой деятельности: овладение учащимися аспектами языка (произношением, лексикой, грамматикой); обучение общению на английском языке,
2. воспитательная: воспитание культуры мышления, общения и поведения
3. развивающая: развитие лингвистического мышления

План урока:
1. Организационный момент
1) Приветствие: Good morning, dear girls and boys. How are you? Thanks, sit down.
2) Беседа с дежурным:
- Who is on duty?
– Who is absent?
– What date is it today?
– What day is it today?
Dear girls and boys. Today we’ll continue our talk about different jobs. I hope that you are ready for our English lesson.

2. Лексическая зарядка
Pupils stand up and get ready to do the exercises together and sing the song “Oliver Twist”:
Oliver - Oliver - Oliver Twist!
Look at me and then try this!
Number 1: touch your tongue!
Number 2: touch your shoe!
Number 3: touch your knee
Number 4: touch the floor
Number 5: stay alive!
OK, thank you very much. It was very good. You sang the song and did the exercises very well. Sit down, please.

3. Проверка домашнего задания: Now, children, I want to check how well you did your home task and learnt the song “I am a pupil”
Children get ready to sing:
I am a pupil
He is a pupil
She is a pupil, too.
She is not a dentist
She is a teacher
And she loves you!
OK. This task is done brilliantly. But we go on and now we are to revise all the words that we have learnt carefully.

4. Повторение пройденной лексики. And now let’s remember the names of the jobs, please (учащиеся называют названия профессий).

5. Answer the questions. Используя картинки ответить на вопросы
- What do you want to be? I want to be ….
- What does she want to be? She wants to be ….
- What does he want to be? He wants to be ….

6. Повторение употребления глагола “tobe”. Complete the sentences. (Учащиеся заполняют таблицу) 1. My brother … a pilot.
2. You … a baker.
3. They … students.
4. I … a fireman.
5. He … a lawyer.
6. His mother … a housewife.
7. Your father … a policeman.
8. His parents … teachers.

7. Физминутка: Will you stand up please? I want you to learn the new poem.
Hands up! Hands down! Shake! Shake! Shake!
Stand up! On the tiptoes!
Turn around! Step aside!
Step left! Step right!
Рассказываю стихотворение и показываю движения, чтобы ученики сами догадались об их значении. Затем учащиеся произносят вслед за мной по предложению и сами показывают движения.

8. Now look at the blackboard! There are a lot of beautiful photos of your families at work on it. One of you will come up to the blackboard and the others will ask different questions, ok?
Pupil 1: I have got a mother. Her name is Saule.
Pupil 2: Is your mother a doctor?
Pupil 1: No, she is not. She is an economist. I have got a father.
Pupil 3: What is your father?
Pupil 1: He is a lawyer. He works in an office.
Well done, …. Thank you very much, my dear. Go back to your place.
Who wants to be the next?

9. Аудирование.
1. Listen and choose. Slide_ 15 wav. 2. Jobssong (Прослушать песню и назвать профессии)
10. Итог урока
Thank you very much. Now it is high time to sum up everything we have done during the lesson. What have we done today? Thank you very much for your work, my dears. You did all of your tasks well and were a great success during the lesson. Please write down your home task: сделать проектную работу по теме «Моя любимая профессия». Pupils write down their home task.
And now I want to give you some marks for the lesson… Good luck. Good - bye, my dears. See you later.

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