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Blossom my country, Kazakhstan!

Theme of the lesson: “Blossom my country, Kazakhstan!” (презентациясымен)
Aim of the lesson:
- To enrich their word stock, to give main historical and developing information
about Kazakhstan.
- To be able to speak about our motherland.
- To develop their speaking habits and skills.
- To bring them up to love our country, to be able to protect, and to be an individual
citizen of our country

The visual aids: The state symbols, the map of our republic, scheme

The presentation of the lesson
Presenter 1: Good day boys and girls, teachers and guests! We are glad to meet you at our school hall.
Presenter 2: You are welcome to our party which is devoted to the national holiday “The Independence day of Kazakhstan” (Slide 1) (National song)
P1: Our country is a land of beauty
our country is a land of glee
many are its rivers and cities
where a man is happy and free, - as it is said in this poem our country is Kazakhstan. Kazakhstan is a beautiful land. There are the majestic Jailisky Alatau Mountains, the Irtish, The Amudariya rivers and the endless steppes. Kazakhstan is our motherland (Slide 2)
P2: Yes, what does it mean the word “Motherland”? Who tells me? (audience activity)
1. P1: Motherland is my country, my land.
2. P2: M is my village
3. P3: M is my family
4. P4: M is republic
5. P5: M is my street
6. P6: M is my home (Slide 3)

P1: Pay attention to the reciting the poems which were held in the school competition “The best Reciter” by the pupils of the 5 - 6th forms. (Reading the poems)

P2: And the pupil of the 5th form Sebepkalieva Narkiza won the 3d place in a city competition “The Best Reciter” with the poem “Butterfly” (The pupils read the poem)
P1: You are great! Thank you! What do we know about history of our Republic?
(Presentations begins)

P2: Slide 4: On the 25th of October 1990, date of the Independence of Kazakhstan. The declaration of Independence was a legal, political and ideological document of human existence, human rights and protection of freedom.

P1: Slide 5: Kazakhstan has a presidential form of government. N. Nazarbaev became the first president and soon begun a gradual movement toward privatization of the economy. Feedback on the lecture "Kazakhstan on its way to the knowledge society " delivered by President Nursultan Nazarbayev at Nazarbayev University. “The new economy and life of the 21st century are based on knowledge and on science, these are the means to preserve and develop the pace of economic growth.”, said the President.

P2: The poem which was written by one of the greatest Kazakh poets K. Amanzholov:
Қазақстан дейтін менің бар елім
Жатыр алып жарты дүние әлемін.
Бұл даланы анам жаспен суарған,
Бұл далада атам қолға ту алған.
Бұл далаға жылап келіп қуанған,
Бұл даланы көріп алғаш қуанғам.
Бұл далада өскен жанда жоқ арман.
P1: Kazakhstan has vast steppes, deep forests, large and small rivers and lakes like Syrdariya, Amudariya, Esil, Zhaiyk, Edil, Balkash and etc.

P2: Well, let’s pay attention to the dance of the pupils of 6th form _________________________ they’re like young M. Jackson, isn’t he? (dancing)

P1: Slide 6: Kazakhstan declared its independence on December 16, 1991 and became a member of the Commonwealth of Independent States.

P2: In Kazakhstan are developing such types of travel services: educational and entertainment tours, ethnic and eco - tourism, health, kids, sports, hunting, horse riding, adventure tourism! For tourists are offered over 700 travel routes around the territory of Kazakhstan.
P1: The main attraction of the Kyzylorda region is the Baikonur Cosmodrome. Baikonur is a centre of space exploration.

P2: Slide 7: In 1997 the capital was moved from Almaty to Astana. Astana is a new modern city. Astana is a modern growing city, a political, financial, economic and an educational center of the state. Astana is famous for its modern buildings: the monument of Baiterek, Duman, Khan Shatyr, the Houses of Parliament, fine parks and hotels.

P1: Slide 8: Each country has it's own symbols. The symbols of Kazakhstan are National Flag, National Emblem and anthem of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
P2: Slide 9: Желбірейді шарықтап Қазақстан жалауы.
Көкте қыран қалықтап, қанат қағып барады.
Көк аспанда нұрлы күн күлімдейді далама.
Бақыт тілеп тұр бүгін ұлттық өрнек мұрамыз

P1: Let’s listen to the history of these national symbols (Formers of the 9E)
Pupil 1: National Emblem of the Republic of Kazakhstan is a picture of a shanyrak ( the cupola of a yurta) on a blue background, from which uyks (body bracket) like sun rays are being radiated in framing of wings of mythical horses. At the bottom of the emblem there is an inscription Kazakhstan. In colour picture the National Emblem of the Republic of Kazakhstan are of two colours: golden and blue - and - sky - blue. The shanyrak symbolizes well - being of family, peace and calmness. The authors of the emblem are Jandarbek Malibekov and Shota Valihanov.

Pupil 2: The national flag of the Republic of Kazakhstan is a piece of right angled cloth of a sky blue colour with a picture of a golden sun with 32 rays in the center, sitting above a soaring steppe eagle. The flagstaff has a vertical line of a national ornamentation. The picture of the sun, its rays, eagle and ornament are gold in colour. The author of the flag is an artist Shaken Niyazbekov.
Pupil 3: National anthems of the Republic of Kazakhstan: Authors of words: Nursultan Nazarbayev, Zhumeken Nazhimedinov. The author of music: Shamshi Kaldayakov. It was sung 7 times in London Olympiad in 2012.

P2: The population of Kazakhstan consists of mainly of Kazakhs and Russian, there also lived Ukrainians, Germans, Uzbeks, Tatars, Uigurs and etc.
P1: The state language is Kazakh, Russian is an official language. In his message N. Nazarbaev said: “Kazakhstani future generation must know three languages: Kazakh, Russian and English as an international language.”
P2: And we learn Kazakh, Russian and …
P1: English, of course. The knowledge of foreign language also helps young people to develop their carrier and make friendship. Just now we want you to pay attention to the scene in English.
P2: And it is titled “Rumpelstiltskin”. (Scene)
P1: I love you deeply, dear land
Your hills and rives, sand on strand.
Your songs and dances, lakes and seas.
Your beasts and fish, your birds in trees.
This year 2012 was a wonderful year for our country.
P2: This summer there was held the world sport competition summer Olympic Games in London.
P1: Kazakhstani sportsmen were brilliant in this Olympiad.
P2: Our sportsmen won 7 gold medals, 1 silver and 5 bronze medals.
P1: We want you to pay attention to the rhythmical dance of the 6th formers. (Group dancing of 6th formers)
P2: Kazakhstan today is one of the richest countries in the world in deposit of oil, gas, Uranus and they bring great harmful to humanity and to the environment.
P1: According to these important problems of energetics and ecology Kazakhstan will take part in International Exhibition “EXPO - 2017” of green economics.

P2: The theme of this exhibition is “Future of Energy”.
P1: The Expo theme aimed to help shed light on humankind’s knowledge and advancement of technology concerning the ocean and coast and identify ways to resolve challenges facing the ocean.
P2: Kazakhstan is hopeful that millions of new visitors will soon learn more about this dynamic and emerging nation.
P1: Yes, you are right, let’s hope to it. The next wonderful song is “I’ve just called to say…” by Steve Wonder. (Cattybaeva Nazerke will sing it)
P2: “The capital youth actively advances the world glory of Astana”, - the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev said about it during the II Congress of "Zhas Otan Youth Wing".
P1: “Today I want to note especially the work of "Zhas Otan" Youth Wing’s capital branch. Astana is young and the future of Kazakhstan. The capital youth actively advances the world glory of Astana, working as volunteers at all international events,” - told the Head of State in his speech.
P2: Yes, the President of our country hopes to future generation of our Republic.

Pupil 1: We support our country
Pupil 2: We are future generations of our Republic
Pupil 3: We love our Motherland!
Pupil 4: The 21st century is knowledge century
Pupil 5: Knowledge is power
Pupil 6: East or West, home is best
Pupil 7: Blossom my country, blossom my land!
Pupil 8: Blossom my Motherland Kazakhstan!
Pupil 9: The land of my fathers, the land of my choice.
The land in which poets and minstrels rejoice.
I wish you to flourish, be happy and high.
I want you to live and never to die!

Pupil 10: Пусть небо будет вечно чистым над тобой!
Цвети мой Казахстан, моя земля,
О, Родина моя, будь счастлива всегда!

Pupil 11: Құя берсін күн нұрын кең далаға,
Күн мен дәнді силаған ел - данаға.
Асқақтаған Алатаудай шыңдары
Қазақстан шарықтасын ғаламда!

The 8th form pupils and choir: the song «Жаса Қазақстан!»

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