Сайтқа кіру Тіркелу

What will life be like in 2050?

The theme of the lesson: What will life be like in 2050?
The aims of the lesson:
- to enrich pupils' knowledge concerning to the theme;
- to develop pupils' interest to work with the teams and more information about future;
- to develop pupils' skills in oral speech and reading, communication skills;
- to bring up the pupils to live in a good hope about their future.
Visual aids: presentations, cards, new words, interactive board, text papers.
Form: 8 “B”. The pupils are divided into 3 groups
The outline of the lesson
I. Organization moment.
II. Warm - up. Сomplete the diagram "Future"
III. Check up home work. Presentation of the pupils about "Cars of future"
IY. Continue the theme "Future". Listen to the text "What will be life be like in 2050?"
Y. Answer the questions about the text
YI. Do the tasks (3 groups choose the tasks)
YII. Grammar: Future Tense
YIII. Relaxation
IX. Reading the text of the pupils and make their opinion on the placard
X. Reflection
XI. Evaluation. Home work.

T: Good morning! Sit down, please! I’m glad to see you!
Let’s talk about you!
- What do you want to be, Aizhan?
- I want to be a doctor.
- And what do you want to be, Adilbek?
- I want to be a mechanic.
- Great! And do you want to be a doctor just now?
- No, in future.
- What can you say about future?
(Pupils write the words on the diagram on the blackboard)
education time
life technology knowledge

T: Let’ check up your home task. You were given to prepare the presentations about future cars by ex. II. p. 170 on your text books. Let’s begin to introduce with your presentations.
(Pupils showed their presentations)

T: OK. Thanks a lot. Today we shall continue the theme “Future”. At first, let me introduce with new words through the text. Read and repeat:
fuel, speed, accident, alien, conquer, device, brain, blind, deaf.
Please, listen to the text and you will work in 3 groups. The text is about great changes in whole fields of the world.
(Pupils listened to the text)
T: OK. Answer my questions by the text.
- What will the cities be like in future?
- Where will people live?
- Who will work at home?
- What will the cars have to control the speed?
- Where will the robots work?
- will people live in healthier in future?

That’s nice. Let’s listen to the text again. (listening to the text again)
- Will you choose the tasks:
1. Make up sentences using new words and word combinations from the text
2. Match the phrases
3. Complete the sentences

Group I. I. Complete the sentences:
1. The television will not have any........................
2. The children will get................ with all information.
3. We will open many.............................
4. We will help............. and............. people see and hear again.
5. The car computer will control the............. and there won't be any.............
6. A new medicine technology will............... many diseases.
Group II II. Make up sentences using new words and word combinations:
clothes in different colours;
TV programme;
environmentally - friendly cars
Group III. III. Match the phrases: (Соответствуйте фразам:)
1. We will choose ----- many diseases
2. Cars will run ------- enjoy their life
3. We will open -------- a programme from the computer
4. In medicine we will conquer --------- to see, smell and touch things
5. We will be able -------- many galaxies and aliens
6. All people will ------------ on new and clean fuel
Grammar: Future Tense.
Task: Fill in the gaps.
1. The students of "Zhasyl El".....................(to plant) trees and flowers in the central parks of the town.
2. Our class........................(to win) the 1st place in the knowledge competition "The Best Class".
3. The ecologists................................(to control) the environmental condition of Zhayik River.
4. In Uralsk the Town Akimat......................(to organize) the housing resources to the veterans of the II World War devoted to Victory Day.
5. For the Children’s Day our school amateur performances..........................(to take part) at the public competition "Baldauren".
T: Listen to the song on the tape. Sing and do it.
Let's run, let's sing
let's dance, let's swim
let's fly
High in the sky
Let's walk, let's jump
let's ride a bike
let's fly
High in the sky


T: Read the text on the text papers and make your opinions on the placards.
(P1, P2, P3, … read the text)
During today’s lesson I have:
got acquainted --------------------------------------------
found out ---------------------------------------------------
learnt --------------------------------------------------------
remembered -----------------------------------------------
said my own opinion on ---------------------------------
Evaluation. Home task.
(One of the pupil throws a building brick and chooses the tasks for home work.)
1. read the YIII p. 173
2. write ex. YII p. 173
3. write the topic “My dream”
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