St. Valentine’s day
Lesson Plan
Grade: 9 - 10
Theme: St. Valentine’s day
Objectives: To review and give learners the opportunity to share and discuss their ideas in relation to St. Valentine’s day.
Learning outcomes:
1. Learners will learn from each other’s experience.
2. Learners will consolidate their knowledge of Conditional sentences making predictions on the text.
3. Learners will learn how to write short poems in a Haiku (Japanese) style using topical vocabulary.
I. Introduction. • Organization moment.
- greeting
- checking absentees
Today we’re going to talk about one of the most popular holidays all over the world. Can you guess which one?
(St. Valentine’s Day)
• Motivation
Brainstorming. Let’s make a list of words connected to this topic. (Mind map)
These words will help us later.
(Students guess
Students fill in the mind map)
II. Presentation • Now we will read a text. It is connected to the topic of our lesson. It’s called “A Blind Date”, by D. White.
Pre - reading
Blinddate - свидание с незнакомым человеком
Togooutwith - встречаться
Toarrange – договариваться, условиться
Thatyoucan’tmakeit – что ты не можешь прийти
Gloomily - мрачно
On the very day – именно в этот день
To give in – уступить, сдаться
On his own - один
Smashing - сногсшибательный
Tolookforwardto – ожидать с нетерпением
To have much in common – иметь много общего
Twinsouls - родственные души
Tobeon – идти (о фильме, спектакле)
Now you are going to read the text. (Part I)
Post - reading
Do you want to ask me a question?
Give me your ideas about continuation. What would you do if you were Pam?
Here is the other half. See if you were right. (Part II)
(Learners study new words and read the first half of the text)
“Where is the other half?”
(Students predict, using the Conditional sentences.)
(Learners read the continuation and compare)
III. Production Now you’ll learn how to make up a poem in Japanese style, a Haiku poem.
A traditional Japanese poem consists of three lines. The essence is in structure short - long - short (5 - 7 - 5 syllables). Let’s try and make up a poem. The topic is St. Valentine’s Day. You may use the words that you wrote at the beginning of the lesson or the words from the text.
If you want you may present your poem as a gift to your classmates.
(Learners make up poems)
IV. Reflexion.
Asessment. Thank you very much for your work. I have a couple of questions to you.
1. What have you learnt today?
2. What did you have difficulty with?
3. How can you improve your learning? Learners answer the questions, get marks
St.Valentine's Day
- Zhanar Assylbekova
- 27 наурыз 2013
- 2839
- 0
- 0
Ілмек сөздер: Valentine’s day, английский язык, ағылшын тілінен сабақ жоспары
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