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Бүгін 15 наурыз, сенбі, 01:23

“Health habits”

The theme of the lesson: “Health habits”
The aims of the lesson: To expand the knowledge of the theme “Health”
To develop pupils’ speaking abilities on the theme.
To explain the importance of health in our life.
To learn to look after health.
Type of the lesson: Mixed lesson.
Visual aids: Active board, charts, diagrams
The plan of the lesson:
I. Org moment
II. Warm up. Talking about sleeping.
III. Talking about life expectancy. Giving reasons.
IV. Good and bad health habits.
V. Listening to the unknown text.
VI. Relaxation. Listening and singing the song. “What is the meaning
of being lonely? ”
VII. Research work. A) Health problems
B) What should you do to be healthy?
VIII. Short test. “Am I healthy?”
VIII. My choice “To be or not to be healthy.”
IX. Making compliments.
X. Giving the home task. Giving marks. End of the lesson.

The procedure of the lesson:
I. Org moment.
T: Good morning dear teachers and pupils! You are welcome dear guests! We are glad to see you at our lesson. Who is on duty today? Who is absent? What date and day is it today?
II. Warm up. Talking about sleeping.
T: Let’s revise our previous lesson and talk about sleeping.
Look at the blackboard and fill the blanks.
1. Sleep is an 1_________ part of good health. It helps you to feel good, work 2_______.
2. Even mild sleeping problems can make daily life more 3______ and less 4_______.
3. Healthy adult need an average 5 ____ or ____ hours of sleep.
4. If you have 6 __________ situations, problems with friends, family or have difficulty 7 ________ facts, you are probably not getting enough sleeping.
5. Stress is No 1 cause of 8 ______________ and it lead to a serious illness, problems.
6. 9__________ disappears when the stressful situation passes. But if it isn’t treated from the beginning, it can become 10 __________.
Suitable words: monotonous, productive, insomnia, seven or eight, concentrating, important, effectively, difficult, sleeping difficulties, continuous.
T: From these sentences you see that sleeping is an important basic human need as drinking, eating, breathing.
III. Talking about life expectancy. Giving reasons.
T: We have talked about sleeping at our previous lesson and its importance for our health. We continue talking about health. You are divided into two groups and will work in this way. And can you answer me:
What’s the life expectancy in our country now and what was it before?
I agree with you that before people’s life expectancy was about 70 or 80 years, but now it is shorter, it is about 60 - 70. Why? Give the reasons please.
First group give the reasons of longer life expectancy.
Second group give the reasons of shorter modern life.
First group: environment was clear, people do much physical work, the quality of food and water was higher, people have more good health habits.
Second group: pollution of environment, the sedentary life style, the quality of food
and water is low, people have more bad health habits.
T: Of course, one of the important reasons of life expectancy are health habits. They may be good and bad.
IV. Good and bad health habits.
T: And now let’s make an association on these themes: good health habits, bad health habits.
Doing regular ex/s
Healthy way of go for a walk

a healthy diet go in for sports

balanced meal
fruits and vegetables keeping fit

drinking alchogol smoking
taking drugs

much sleeping eating fat food

work much time sitting much time before TV
with computer using much time cell - phone

T: Do you have any of these habits? Ask each other, make a dialogue.

V. Listening to the unknown text.
T: Now you’ll listen to unknown text, please try to understand, then you fulfill your association about good and bad health habits. First let’s introduce with the new words of the text.
New words: 1. obesity – fat or very fat man
2. skipping breakfast – not eating breakfast
3. chaotic life – disorderly life
4. promote – raise
Now listen the text attentively, then fulfill the association.
What kind of good or bad health habits from this text can you add to your associations? (Obesity, skipping breakfast, eating between meals, snacking are bad health habits. Regularity, getting up early, eating breakfast, regular meals are good health habits.)
And now if you understand the text let’s do the task true or false sentences, read them and say if they are true or false.
True or false:
1. Obesity and physical inactivity are not dangerous for the health of our people.
2. Eating between meals and skipping breakfast are good health habits.
3. Sleeping too much and too little, snacking are the signs of dangerously chaotic
life style.
4. Regularity in life promotes health.

VI. Relaxation. Listening and singing the song. “What is the meaning
of being lonely?
T: Are you tired? Let’s relax and listen the song and sing it. Dear guests let’s sing together.

VII. Research work. A) Health problems
B) What should you do to be healthy?

T: If you relax let’s continue our work. I gave you small research work. The task was to interview the pupils of our school and find out the health problems of the pupils of our school. I group must find health problems. Who wants to share with his or her research work?
I – group: Health problems.
P1: I interviewed a lot of pupils of our school and found out that a lot of them don’t have breakfast and regular meals. They are rarely careful about what they eat and drink. They often eat junk food such as chips, cakes, chocolates, biscuits which have got cholesterol in it. It causes stomach - ache.
P2: I also interviewed a lot of pupils of our school and found out that a lot of them have the problems of eyesight and hearing. Because sit down and watch TV and play computer games, use their cell - phones much time or listen to loud music. They effect their eyes and ears.
P3: I interviewed the boys of our school and found out that some of them cough because of smoking. I knew that some of them began to smoke in young age because they wanted to be cool and independent. But I think it’s wrong. Smokers often have health problems such as problems with skin and hair, heart and teeth and others.
II – group: What should you do to be healthy?
T: II group must interview their parents and teachers about the ways to be healthy.
What advices did your parents and teachers give you?
P1: I interviewed my parents and they said: “ If you want to be healthy you must go in for one kind of sport. You should do morning exercises every day. In summer you go in for swimming, athletics, or playing football. In winter you can skate, ski, play basketball, volleyball. It makes you strong and healthy.”
P2: I interviewed my grandchildren and they said: “ You shouldn’t eat snack, chips. You should eat fruits and vegetables, fish, drink milk, kymyz, shubat. You shouldn’t stay up late playing computer games, or watching TV. You should sleep more. Of course you should help your parents. ”
P3: The advices that our teachers gave us every day are not to smoke, not to drink alchogol, to do regular check - ups, to keep diet, not to eat fat food and of course to do our home works.
T: Thank you for your research work.
VIII. Short test. “Am I healthy?”
T: And now I want to know if you are healthy or not.
Now look at the blackboard and answer the questions:
1. Do you do regular exercises? Yes - 1. No - 0
2. Do you eat junk food? Yes. No.
3. Do sit up late before TV or computer? Yes. No.
4. Do you smoke? Yes. No
5. Do you use your cell - phone for along time sitting on agent? Yes. No.
6. Do you sleep well? Yes. No.
You have 4 - 5 scores. You are unfit, you have a lot of bad health habits, you must immediately get rid of them and begin healthy way of life.
You have 2 - 3 scores. You are average fit, you have some bad heath habits, please get rid of them.
You have 0 - 1 scores. You are quite fit. Our congratulations. Be healthy and wealthy.
IX. My choice “To be or not to be healthy.”
T: And at the end of our lesson I want you to make your choice. For it you must draw pictures of men with good health habits and bad health habits. Imagine the appearance of them and them, please. And you show your pictures and say if you want to like that man, OK.
X. Making compliments.
T: I want to finish my lesson with a good mood, that’s why let’s say compliments to each other and raise our mood.
P1: You are beautiful.
P2: Thanks. I am beautiful. You are nice.
P3: Thanks. I am nice. You are attractive.
XI. Giving the home task. Giving marks. End of the lesson.
T: Thank you for your hard work at the lesson. Your marks are……..
The lesson is over. Good bye dear guests!

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