The theme: “ Kazakh customs and traditions ” Revision lesson.
The aims of the lesson: Talking about the British and Kazakh superstitions and giving
Educational objectives: some additional information about interesting superstitions
over the world. Talking about Kazakh customs and traditions,
presentation of Kazakh traditions “Betashar” “Besikke Salu”
Acting out the Kazakh tradition “Besikke Salu”
Development objectives: To develop the pupils speaking, researching habits and acting
Bring – up objectives: To teach pupils to love and to know their customs and
traditions and to keep them
Visual aids: Slides about Kazakh customs and traditions, additional information from
internet. Necessary things for acting the Kazakh tradition
“Besikke salu”
The plan of the lesson:
I. Organization moment
II. Brainstorming. Answering the questions
III. Talking about British and Kazakh superstitions
IV. Some interesting beliefs over the world
V. Kazakh customs and traditions
VI. Comprehension check. True or false sentences.
VII. Presentation “Betashar” “Besikke Salu”
VIII. Acting out the Kazakh tradition “Besikke Salu”
IX. Home task. Get ready for the test on theme: “ Kazakh customs and traditions ”
X. Giving marks. End of the lesson.
The procedure of the lesson:
I. Organization moment
Good morning! Who is on duty today? Who is absent?
What date and day is it today?
II. Brainstorming. Answering the questions
Today we’ll have unusual lesson, because it’s demonstrative lesson and there are guests at our lesson. You are welcome dear guests, we are glad to see you!
We have finished step 5 “Customs and traditions ” and today we’ll have revision lesson. We ’ll talk about the British and Kazakh beliefs, and about Kazakh customs and traditions. And now answer my questions please.
1. Do you know any British beliefs?
2. What things are connected with the British beliefs?
3. Do you know any Kazakh beliefs?
4. What things are connected with the Kazakh beliefs?
III. Talking about British and Kazakh superstitions
I see that you know about the things that connected with the British and Kazakh beliefs but can you tell what will happen if they use these things.
Now let’s work with the pictures, you’ll see the thing and say what superstition is
connected with this thing? Let’s look at the board and see what is the first thing?
1. What superstition is connected with an(umbrella)?
2. What superstition is connected with the (dog)?
3. What superstition is connected with the (shoe)?
4. What superstition is connected with the (horse)?
5. What superstition is connected with the (pregnant woman)?
6. What superstition is connected with the (three cigarettes)?
IV. Some interesting beliefs over the world
Thank you, I am satisfied with your answers and I want to know if you know any interesting superstitions over the world.
P1: Tooth Throwing.
In Greece, a child’s tooth is thrown onto the roof for good luck.
P2: Hold your Stomach, the Thunder is Coming.
Japanese children cover their tummy button when they hear thunder.
P3: Walking on Money.
Gold and silver coins are placed inside a brides wedding shoes in Sweden.
P4: No Best Man.
At a Caribbean wedding ceremony, the groom never has a best - man.
P5: Smashing dishes.
Children in the Netherlands breaking dishes against neighbors’ houses on New Year’s Eve. It means to bring good luck to the neighbors’ households in the new year
V. Kazakh customs and traditions. Making associations.
We have talked about British and Kazakh beliefs and now we’ll talk about Kazakh customs and traditions. You know that Kazakh people have traditional food, traditional costumes and traditional games. Now you’ll write associations on these themes. And then you’ll divide them into groups according to their using or ingredients they made of and so on.
Kazakh food: food made of milk, food made of meat, food made of flour
Kazakh costumes: national head wears, national food wears, national costumes.
Kazakh games: horse games, holiday games, every day games
The next Kazakh tradition is connected with the life of the people. What traditions are they?
VI. Comprehension check. True or false sentences.
You have read some information about traditions of Kazakhstan. Now I want to check you if you remember them. It’s comprehension check. True or false sentences.
1. In Kazakh tradition, wedding ceremony lasts 40 days beginning with matchmaking. T
2. The bride hasn’t bow to her future relatives. F
3. The hobbles aren’t cut with the knife by respected guest. F
4. One of the horse - riders with the goats carcass in his hand raced far ahead. T
5. All the participating young men try to catch a young girl - rider. T
6. The shapan is woman’s outer robe made of velvet. F
7. The camisole is an overcoat both for men and women put over
the shirt or dress. T
8. Kebis is the kind of head wear for men and women. F
9. The takhia is a men’s everyday cap which covers the top and the back of the head. T
10. Tymak is made of from birds’ fur. F
VII. Presentation “Betashar” “Besikke Salu”
It is the revision lesson today, that’s why one of your tasks were to prepare presentations on Kazakh customs and traditions. Who wants to introduce us with their presentation?
Presentation 1: “Betashar”
Presentation 2:“Besikke Salu”
VIII. Acting out the Kazakh tradition “Besikke Salu”
Pupils act out the Kazakh tradition “Besikke Salu”
Grandmother: My dear neighbours come to my house. There is a “Besik toy” in my house. I have a grandson and I want to put him into the cradle.
Grandmother: Good day my dear. How are you?
Neighbour grandmother: Very well. Thank you. I congratulate you with your grandson. Be your baby healthy and wealthy.
Grandmother: Thank you. I want you to put my baby into the cradle, I want my baby to be like you.
Neighbour grandmother: Thank you. With great pleasure.
Grandmother: Daughter, please bring me our baby. This is my grandson. His name is Nurum.
Neighbour grandmother: Oh, my little baby. I’ll put you into your cradle. It’ll be your little house where you’ll sleep like an angel. Now first let’s do “Nyshtyma”
Now I’ll sing you a song.
Oh my little baby please
Lay on your cradle and sleep
Please don’t cry my little son
I love you and kiss much time.
Be my baby brave man
Be my baby wise man
Be my baby healthy man
Be my baby wealthy man
Now I our little baby is sleeping.
Grandmother: Thank you my dear. This present for you.
IX. Home task. Get ready for the test on theme:
“ Kazakh customs and traditions ”
IX. Giving marks. End of the lesson.
I think we have an interesting lesson today. Your marks.
Our lesson is over. Good bye!
“Kazakh customs and traditions” Revision lesson
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Ілмек сөздер: Kazakh customs and traditions, Revision lesson, ағылшы тілі
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Қонақтар,тобындағы қолданушылар пікірін білдіре алмайды.
Қонақтар,тобындағы қолданушылар пікірін білдіре алмайды.