Узакбаева Салтанат Бекбергеновна
Ақтөбе облысы Ойыл ауданы
Сапақкөл орта мектебі
Form: 8
Date: 23.04.2012
Theme: When I’m 25
The aims: 1. To teach pupils to get information while reading the text, to know
words, phrases.
2. To develop reading, writing, speaking skills, thinking
3. To arouse their interest learning English, to be active, curios,
The type of the lesson: mixed lesson
Visual aids: an interactive board, Power point presentation, tape – recorder, pictures, cards.
The plan of the lesson:
I. Organization moment
II. Phonetic drill
III. Checking up home task
IV. Presentation
V. Vocabulary presentation
VI. A new text introduction
VII. Practice
VIII. Production
IX. Conclusion
X. Home task
XI. Marks
The procedure of the lesson
I Organization moment
- Good afternoon children. How are you?
- Who is on duty today?
- Who is absent?
- What date is it today?
II Phonetic drill
Look at the an active board. Listen to me and be attentive.
“There is always one moment in childhood when the door opens and lets the future in.” Graham Green
- Give the meanings of this sentence
III Checking up home task
- Now children what was your home task?
- OK, your home work for today was to retell the story.
IV Presentation
Our today’s new theme is “When I’m 25”
- What are you going to do when you are 22?
- I don’t know, perhaps, I’ll teach children.
- Where are you going to be when you are 25?
- I don’t know, perhaps, I’ll be in London.
- What are you going to be when you are 22?
- I don’t know, perhaps, I’ll be a pilot.
I’ll be a doctor.
I’ll be a teacher.
I’ll be a manager.
I’ll be a cosmonaut.
V Vocabulary presentation
Very nice, now we’ll take again the new words. Look at the an active board, you can see new words. Listen to me and repeat after me.
Optimist – оптимист
Solve – шешу, шешімін табу
Supercar – супер машина
Comfortable – ыңғайлы
Pessimist – пессимист
Gas –газ
Speed – жылдамдық
Air conditioning – ауаны тазарту
Swimming pool – бассейн
VI A new text introduction
- I’ll switch on the tape recorder. Listen to the text and be attentive.
- Let’s translate this text.
VII Practice
Let’s do exercises
Ex:3 p:170 Answer the questions
VIII Production
- Look at the picture. Think about your ideal machine of the future. What will people be able to do with it? Think of a name for the machine. Work in groups of 3.
- Next task. Look at the pictures and speech bubbles. Who says what?
I’ll give you cards. Answer the questions.
- Where are you going to be when you are 25?
- What are you going to be when you are 22?
IX Home task
Your home task is Ex:4.3 p:172
X Marks
XI Conclusion
The lesson is over. Good bye children.
When I’m 25
- Салтуша
- 10 қаңтар 2013
- 8642
- 0
- 0
Ілмек сөздер: When I’m 25, ағылшын тілі, ашық сабақ
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