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Chinese New Year at University: A Celebration of Friendship and Opportunity

Chinese New Year at University: A Celebration of Friendship and Opportunity
As part of the study and promotion of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at Al - Farabi Kazakh National University on the eve of the Lunar New Year 24. 01. 25 the Confucius Institute, together with the Department of Language and General Education of foreigners, held a traditional festive event. The Round Table "Chinese New Year" was accompanied by a concert program, which allowed students and teachers to further understand the traditions, values and symbols of this event. The concept of the event coincided with such areas of the SDGs as "Quality Education" and "Partnership for Sustainable Development."
Chinese New Year is not only a celebration of spring and renewal, but also a time for reflection on the future. The Roundtable participants made presentations on the following topics: "Traditions and rituals to attract good luck in a career," "Symbols of success in a career," "Chinese New Year is a time for new beginnings," and "What opportunities open up for people if they speak Chinese and understand Chinese culture." Students of the Confucius Institute shared their dreams, plans for the future and talked about the purpose of learning Chinese. Teachers gave the following parting words to their students: "Believe in yourself, be persistent and hardworking, and success in your studies and your career will never be far away!”
The organization of the annual celebration of the Lunar New Year is an excellent occasion for cultural exchange and career guidance. With our international students from China, Korea and Japan, students of the Confucius Institute come together with their friends, brothers and sisters to enjoy the atmosphere of the holiday, and they have a desire to continue their studies at our university and study Chinese.
From participation in the celebration of the Chinese New Year, students expand their cultural horizons, develop language skills, receive information about learning and work opportunities, and establish contacts with members of the Chinese culture.

L. K. Mamytbekov, Yeshimov M. P.
Department of Language and General Education Training of Foreigners
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